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Everything posted by speedysducky

  1. speaking on my dad's behalf I know that he got burned out on EMS after holding an ex con's head together for the 5th time after a robbery, so he went into computers, and teaching. Now designs gas station awnings and raises mules and horses, he's never been happier!
  2. This makes sense but there are other ways to administer nicotine. Why put them and the people at risk for cancer when you can put a simple patch on the skin and get the same effects with less possible side effects?
  3. its a spider bite of somesort. i would clean the wound as best as possible and then have the doc take it from there. the eschar tissue would be removed and debreided, antibiotics would be started but other than that theres not much you can do.
  4. I'm now Dancin' Ramona Smithe
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