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Status Updates posted by fireflymedic

  1. Somedays you just shake your head and say okay.

  2. Turduckin eh? I would think canadians would be more into cariboucookin ! hehe - BTW that IS still on my list of things to try !

  3. Two words - paradoxical reaction. I get hyper off benadryl unfortunately it doesn't knock me out. Grrrr

  4. ugly - but not too terrible. It's all good, now if only I could get the avatar to be cooperative, I'd be a happy camper !

  5. Vietnam? Keep it safe over there.

  6. We like to pee in others cheerios do we eh?

  7. Welcome new kid - like your occupation statement there - EMS is customer service at its best or worst depending on who is giving it ! Take care and stay safe out there !

  8. what are you doin these days?

  9. what you think of my new avatar? Mumble's speakin out !

  10. what's going on? Haven't seen ya 'round in a bit !

  11. Woohoo ! Just make sure he lands properly - don't want any crashing sleds, strewn presents and reindeer carnage ! Take care and be safe tonight !

  12. Woohoo ! Way to go on getting the license today - now the job search begins !

  13. yeah, yeah yeah, you just think you're funny. Orange juice on cheerios huh? Hmmm must be a canuck thing !

  14. You have something to say? Tell me !

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