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Posts posted by mrmeaner

  1. Speaking of compassion, what would be accomplished by jailing the mother? Preventing her from otherwise rushing out and doing it again unless she's restrained? Who would rightfully gain?

    The same sort of thing happened to the son of a guy I knew. He picked up a double shift and the wife worked midnights. He was in the bed trying to get the baby to sleep again and woke up to the sound of his wife screaming. He was serving a sentence for negligent homicide, but he might be out by now. In his case, his ex-wife pushed fo the charges. I'm sure that made the difference though.

  2. The great thing about the internet is that anyone can express their ideas and experiences on an open forum. Sometimes this is also the problem.

    The fact that people watching didn't care or thought it was a joke is not surprising. For an EMS provider to do so is different.

    It really is a shame for the family to have this as their loved one's legacy.

  3. When you hunt, you shoot the deer on the way to you or when he's standing in front of you. You don't try to shoot him as he's leaving. :lol: Sorry, deer opener is tomorrow.

    But seriously, if that's the way cops should operate, then the next time a cop wants to pull me over for speeding, he should wait until I'm done with work and on my way home.

  4. Abortion, no matter your personal feelings, is a legal medical procedure in the United States. So why not use stem cells obtained from what's left, from a *legal* medial procedure, to contribute to ongoing research?

    1) The *legal* part is held together by a fine thread. There are still many who view abortion as murder.

    2) Even though cadavers are used on a regular basis, many people view dead fetuses as more sacred.

    3) The possibility of profiting from a dead fetus is viewed darkly.

    Views on this topic are based on emotions and religious beliefs. You are unlikely to change ones emotional base or religious beliefs, you only win by having more people who share your opinion.

    Personally, I find it funny that the same person can be pro-choice and against the death penalty.

  5. If someone believes risking their life is worth it, that's their choice. As bad as it may sound, I can see myself riskng my life to save a friend or family member, but I doubt I would for a complete stranger. Sometimes the trade off isn't worth it (see: Joe Delaney). However, I can't say for sure as I have not been in that situation.

  6. The thing about these kinds of threads is not once has ANYONE said ANYTHING about law enforcement getting into EMS as a 'side bar' to supplement THEIR annual income!

    How many Sheriff's Departments around the country have a 'paramedic division'?

    If 'bunker gear and EMS' is such a 'bad combination', does that mean that BULLETS and EMS is a better match?

    Given the training law enforcement receives (documentation/report writing, interviewing techniques, self defense tactics, working with emotionally unstable people, etc.) they would be a better cross match than firefighting. I think EMS should be separate, however, if it is going to be paired with another career, there are much better fits.

    Or is it that only Firefighter's are 'too dumb' to be able to do more than one thing?

    Too dumb, no. Lacking the approprite motivation in many cases, yes.

  7. When I call those people, I will sometimes ask them to give me another person to contact who might know the applicant. You can also ask those people questions that they don't really know the "right way" to answer, and they'll often give you different answers than what the applicant told you. Ask about his educational and career goals. If the applicant told you he wants to get a degree in EMS and make a career of it, but his best friend tells you all the guy's ever wanted to be is a firemonkey, you've just found out something significant! And the reference thought he was saying something nice about the guy, lol.

    The use of secondary references is used in places that require more security from what I understand. A good practice to get a better idea of the applicant. Most places simply don't take the time to call the first references much less a second set.

    Also, in the land of EMS, people usually know each other from different services, maybe even better than they know you. Between trainings, seminars and social events, a bad name will get around.

  8. What I am saying is that euthanasia of those unable to make the decision for themselves is wrong, whether it be a child, an incapacitated adult, or otherwise.

    So I don't have the right to decide to end my child's and my family's suffering due to an irreversible condition or disease? Now who is that helping? Is the "sanctity of life" so precious that it it must be maintained regardless of the pain it causes? I thought the whole point of chosing a durable power of attorney was to have someone carry out your wishes when you are incapable of expressing them.

    This is not only for children. There was a patient at a local nursing home with CHF, COPD, and advanced Alzheimer's leaving her unable to care for herself. Apparently she was raped as a child. Whenever a male, or sometimes a female, would touch her, she would relive the experience. I'm not saying she needed to be put to death. However, the family should be able to decide when enough is enough.

  9. And if you say there is no dignity, no lesson to be learned, no value to experience gained from end stage cancer or Alzheimer's or AIDS, I ask you- have you ever spent time with someone in that stage? I mean not just intermittent, brief instances of association... but really spent time with them? People who are put into extraordinary circumstances like that often gain knowledge or self-insight. Doesn't happen all the time... but just saying.

    Yes, I have. And sometimes that insight helps them understand that sometimes it takes a stronger person to walk away than to fight a losing battle. It also takes insight to understand that sometimes convincing a family member, friend or even yourself that they should fight a hopeless battle is the most selfish act of all. Death is an ugly part of life that everyone has to face and just as you have a right to control your life as you wish, you should be able to control your death as you wish.

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