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    Vol. Fire Dept.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You have to keep pranks in the station if you don't want problems: At an old station, the bathroom door opened in, and was directly across from a bedroom door which opened in also. We had an ALS and a BLS truck at this station. The medic on duty was notorious for "smelling" up the bathroom for extended periods, so we tied the door knobs together so he could sit there and have to smell it for a while. When he found he couldn't get the door open, figured out what we had done, and called dispatch let them in and they toned us for a cardiac arrest at an address that didn't exist. We cut the string from the door knob and rushed to the "scene." Dispatch called my cell phone and told us what they had done, and we saw it was all in fun. The problem was there was a local LEO who was trying to help us find this "code," who didn't find it humorous.
  2. FD is pure voluteer, all area EMS is paid, from minimum wage to around $8/hr
  3. free-palm-software.com is a good site, go into the industry specific software section
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