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Posts posted by MeekoBB

  1. The way you play the Box of Condoms Game is you have to come up with one item (or more) to take to the register with a box of condoms to make the cashier raise an eyebrow.


    *Condoms, Spatula, lard, and a whole chicken. (Preferrably live.) Top it off with some Jager.

    What would you bring?

  2. :laughing6: :laughing3:

    yes it explains it a little...maybe this a little more..some men just can't let go


    look how happy they are...

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:



    >A: I'm not sure I understand the problem.

    > Perhaps you've forgotten to cook him a nice meal.

    I'll cook dinner...


    *pour lots of laxative syrup into spaghetti sauce*



  4. 1. Yourself: pissed

    2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: none

    3. Your hair: medium

    4. Your mother? whore

    5. Your Father? where

    6. Your Favorite Item: cellphone

    7. Your dream last night: ummm

    8. Your favorite drink: coffee

    9. Your dream car: jeep

    10. The room you are in: dark

    11. Your Ex: online

    12. Your Fears: everything

    13. What do you want to be in 10 years: Happy

    14. Who you hung out with tonight? alone

    15. What You're Not? happy

    16. Muffins: banana

    17: One of Your Wish List Items: stability

    18. Time: 1912

    19. Last thing you did? cry

    20. What You Are Wearing? clothes

    21. Your Favorite Weather: 60

    22. Your Favorite Book: drama

    23. The last thing you ate: turkey

    24. Your Life: depressed

    25. Your Mood: depressed

    26. Your friends: who?

    27. What are you thinking about right now? future

    28. Your car: saturn

    29. What are you doing at the moment?: read

    30. Your summer: uneventful

    31. Your relationship status: alone

    32. What is on your tv? off

    33. When is the last time you laughed? when?

    34. last time you cried? before

    35. School? right

  5. I've done that a few times...It was funny later because I'm so short and sit very close to the steering wheel in my car....2 big tall guys that I had to relieve on calls a few times ended up driving my car back....one guy said that he felt like he was in a clown car the way he scrunched himself up.

    In other cases, we've even taken another rig to meet one on scene or rendezvous at some point.

    Most of the time, we do wait it out and let the crew finish their call.

  6. vitals? i'd suspect something with the brain of course..... cva/tia maybe? without any signs or suspician of trauma, it would have to be organic. Also, any relatively new traumatic EVENT, loss of someone, or other type of accident?

  7. If you read the original post more closely, its obvious he wasn't aware of his HTN until the PA just pointed it out to him after looking back at previous visits. Yes, he should have asked them what his BP was each time. I do, and I TRY to get my grandparents to do so and to write it down. But if PA or Doctor never pointed it out to him that he could have a serious problem, what's he to think?

    Early friday morning, I went to OccMed for a followup and my BP was 130/90 which is high for me, I run around 110/70 normally. Wednesday it had been 114/76. I make sure I keep track of my own hx best I can.

    I would recommend to get a new doctor in any case...That was a HUGE slip up on a most obvious indicator of something that can be wrong;.

  8. Same as everyone else...

    I try not to play into the pt's delusions, however, there are times you must...

    Recently a crew had a paranoid schizophrenic (had been diagnosed by DR), and thought everyone and their mother was after them...Crew tried assuring the pt but their attempts initially failed and played into their story a little bit telling the pt that they were taking them to a secret witness protection office that is located in the hospital that only EMS knows of in case of special circumstances like that pt's.... They had no problem the rest of the trip.

    That same hospital uses 4 pt restraints only when a pt is combative.

    Its difficult to deal with psychs. I had to transport a discharged soldier who was suffering from PTSD after returning from overseas. He was telling us stories about what he saw and dealt with there and I just couldn't find any words to console him.

    It is a shaky topic psych pts.

  9. P.S. It's supposed to be a story about something stupid YOU did, but as long as we are telling NH stories......I picked up an elderly gentleman for a fall the other day, he was wailing away and apparently had a history of alzheimers. I asked the RN on scene what his normal level of consciousness is, (in order to assess if there was any changes in his mentation post fall), she replies :"Oh, he is normally conscious". I was glad when this one disappeared from the room.

    Mind you that person probably went back to her collegues to laugh at the stupid question you asked her. :P

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