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Posts posted by WestSideBorderPatrol

  1. I have no doubt that a having a medic aboard is better than an two EMT's, I mean, you did go to school for a lot longer than me. lol. I hope something good came out of that education to make you better than an EMT since we EMT's are nothing more than advanced first aid :D

    But it's just economics, its a heck of a lot cheaper for someone to afford 2 of me then it is for them to afford one medic.

  2. Could you give us some more information on where you're located?

    I know in Maryland there are usually classes starting every 6 months or so. And to be state certified you have to maintain an affiliation with a fire department or another EMS agency.

    If you're wanting to go for you're paramedic eventually, you'll be better off going straight for it now instead of doing EMT-B.

    Oh, and I seriously wouldn't even look at taking an online class. First of all, many of them are not legit with the state, and second, there are certain things that you gain from a classroom experience that you won't get from an online program.

  3. Just throwing this out there:

    I know that seeing some of the sights that I have seen while in EMS have reinforced my personal decision not to drink alcohol or do any drugs. Seeing how badly people can mess themselves up b/c of alcohol and drugs has lead me away from that kinda stuff. *shrug*

  4. Just something I noticed on the Darien EMS website:

    The following are the criteria mandated by the Southwest EMS Council, in which a Paramedic will be called to assist the Post 53 crew:

    1. Cardiac Arrest

    2. Unconsciousness

    3. Difficulty Breathing/Shortness of Breath

    4. Trauma Patients involving extensive extrication

    5. Chest Pain

    6. Diabetic emergency

    7. Seizure

    8. Syncope (Fainting)

    9. Any situation determined by Darien EMS

    So with the above mentioned ALS upgrades, what is left for BLS to respond to? All that I really see left is the general, "sick person" and the minor MVA's. Seems to me that Darien EMS should hire an ALS crew b/c from the outside looking in, BLS can't do much...

    I dunno...maybe I finally realized how futile BLS services are :?

  5. Your Name: Scott

    1. Famous singer/band: Stellar Kart

    2. 4 letter word: Shot

    3. Street name: Smith

    4. Color: Salmon

    5. Gifts/presents: Sheep skin seat covers

    6. Vehicle: SUV

    7. Items on a menu: Sesame Jack Chicken Strips

    8. Girl Name: Sara

    9. Boy Name: Sean

    10. Movie Title: Shrek

    11. Drink: Sprite

    12. Occupation: Student

    13. Flower: Salvia

    14. Famous Person: Sean Connery

    15. Magazine: Ski and Snow magazine

    16. US City: Seattle

    17. Famous Sports Team: Suns

    18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Sick

    19. Something U Throw Away: Smelly food

    20. Things You Shout: Shoot!

    21. Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

  6. The private service that I work for uses the Smith System. Look it up. It's not specifically for EMS but it's more about safe vehicle handling in general. After you go through the Smith System you go through EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operation Class).

  7. WestSideBorderPatrol wrote:

    IHowever playing Devils advocate, many areas have the view of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and while that's not the right attitude to have, until something changes let the EMT's have some fun and maybe learn a thing or two about life.

    Wait till they get PTSD or a volunteer career ending back injury and ask them how much fun they are having.

    PTSD or a career-ending back injury can happen to anyone in this field. Heck, you move just a little in a direction that you're not meant to and *BANG* there goes your career.

  8. I've been sitting here reading all the replies to the topic and debating whether or not to post a reply. Obviously I'm 18 and I'm and EMT, and got my cert when I was 17.

    Everyone keeps talking about "life experiences" and how teenagers aren't mature enough to handle some of the things they may witness. While that is true in many cases, how do you get "life experiences" unless you get out there and see things? See things that many people don't see except on television? You can't live in a bubble until you're "old enough" to handle things. It's a rough world that we live in; it isn't the Leave It To Beaver '50s anymore and believe it or not, most teenagers are aware of this.

    Yea, I'm biased. And as for the argument that this type of service is a step backwards in our journey to being professionals, I agree. However playing Devils advocate, many areas have the view of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and while that's not the right attitude to have, until something changes let the EMT's have some fun and maybe learn a thing or two about life.

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