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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2010 in all areas

  1. As someone who is not homosexual nor homophobic, I could give two shits who is checking me out. If you are so uncomfortable with your own sexuality that you are afraid that one of these big mentally ill queer monsters will make you gay by looking at you? If so, maybe you need to reconsider your own orientation. If you can be changed that easily, maybe you already are gay and are looking for a reason to come out. Either that or make sure you avoid the queer lasers beams they shoot out of their eyes. Again, provide proof that homosexuality is a mental illness and not just genetic variation such as eye color or hair color.
    1 point
  2. you really haven't got a clue have you ... as for mixed showers ... well there's a few tales that could be told ... the land of the free as long as 'free' is bigoted and sexually repressed it appears ...
    1 point
  3. they are quoting the kind of bigoted claims that used to be used by the CoC as to why prohibiting homosexuals ( of either gender) from serving, as per usual the 'land of the free' is decades behind the rest of the civilised world...
    1 point
  4. Just a few minutes ago, I heard the following on the sheriff's dept frequency: "Unit 89, Unit 74, respond to Walmart on a report of a 10-10 verbal (argument) between a woman and a seven year old. RP (reporting party) reports that it appears the 7 year old is winning" Anyone else have any good ones?
    1 point
  5. Redneck cops, nuff said.
    -1 points
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