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  3. Holy Post resurrection batman - But this paper is one I found. https://cms.galenos.com.tr/Uploads/Article_22451/EAJEM-6-7-En.pdf A 10 minute search of Google produced no other results of battery acid injection. I think this thread should be closed.
  4. Well, if the person that asked is like me, I’m watching a crime show where the person was killed by injecting battery acid-among other things. I’m not planning on doing it either, FYI
  5. Hi All, I’m a paramedic from the UK and I have recently started a YouTube channel based around EMS medical education. Although it’s based mainly around prehospital care, it’s available for all healthcare staff of any grade. It is my aim to provide easy accessible education to medical staff. The videos I provide is good for generating clinical discussions, including case study’s. There are videos that are associated with subjects including bioscience, pharmacology and medical assessments, exam preparation and revision. Although I have not long started posting these videos on my channel, I aim to post 2-3 times a week and I am also happy to come up with posts about any subjects people have an interest or need more information on. It is my hope that i can get subscribers from individuals who can share different experiences and help make the channel a place where others can learn in a safe effective environment with it becoming an additional network of support. Here is the link to my channel: https://youtube.com/@EMS_Carl0304?si=MRyRCjDwyoZwIlC2 I hope to see you there and look forward to collaborating with you 👍
  6. Hey guys, as part of my college project for paramedics, I'm conducting a questionnaire to gather insights into the impact of employment benefits on your daily life and overall job satisfaction. Your perspective is important and will help me better understand the needs and preferences of this profession. If you have a minute, I'd really appreciate you filling out my questionnaire! All feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks! Here is the link to my google form https://forms.gle/X63fvBQdX8hXoaAs7
  7. 🚑 Attention First Responders! 🚑 As an EMT and student researcher, I'm diving into how we handle psychiatric calls to enhance our communication and strategies. I've crafted a brief survey to collect your insights. Your input, big or small, is crucial and greatly appreciated. This survey values your time, so feel free to share as much as you're comfortable with. Your experiences are key to improving our response to these vital calls. Thanks for your help and all you do! 👉 https://forms.gle/sQobNafxAPo3BLbB6 Stay safe!
  8. Wow. Almost a whole year, and nothing. Is anyone even around?
  9. Spelling in my opinion gives the impression of what kind of care was provided, your competency in your EMT skills and treatment provided. Was it thorough or just enough to get it done. Being professional and caring about your report, shows what kind of EMT you really are!
  10. Just joined the group and looking forward to learning and networking with you all. I'm a new EMT-B in Orlando.
  11. hi, I'm an EMT student and I'm starting my patient contacts. On my patient contact forms there is a line that is listed as subjective assessment. What is that and what are some examples of what i should put there because I'm not really sure. Would I put something like: patient complains of chest pain that started about an hour ago that radiates to their jaw. Or is that line for something completely different. Thanks.
  12. Eric


    Back in the day, we had a member that lived in Israel. I wonder if anybody remembers her and has kept in contact over the years.
  13. Hi! I recently took the PAT for AMR and I failed because I was too short and I couldn't get the stretcher high enough to get it back into the ambulance. Everything else I could do just fine and the test was honestly easier than I thought it was going to be, but when I went to put the stretcher back in the ambulance, I couldn't. I can lift it just fine, so I don't think weight is the issue, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for my retest in a few months. I'm 5'4, and I was the shortest person testing that day. Thank you!
  14. I went into it feeling over confident I think, I FELT really prepared with my knowledge of materials, but I guess that theory was proven false. I usually do so good on tests, and every test in my EMS course I felt surprised by how well I did, I had to wrestle through a lot of self doubt, but at the end, I felt a lot more ready for this test. But I was totally caught off guard with how this test seemed totally bizarre and totally unexpected in how it was phrased and how some questions seemed to clash with each other for the top pick, 'correct' answer. I used EMS Prep and a lot of online "NREMT Practice Tests" as study resources and seemed to be doing really well there, but those resources felt totally incompatible with the actual test material. So if anyone can clarify this for me, My understanding after leaving the test is, we're supposed to apply flat text book answers to these scenarios where in real world scenarios we'd likely do it a lot differently? If that's the case, I'll try to mesh with the tests mindset better next time. Also saw A LOT of myths and theories floating around, so in the off chance someone gets convinced by those, just know I already tried them and they're false if I'm any indication. I heard if the last question you answer is correct then you passed. I know my last 3 questions were correct, and I failed. I do believe you can pass at 120, so I don't think that has any bearing on my own failure. But things like checking your results early by trying to 'create new application' on the NREMT website and it not letting you meaning you passed, that is totally false. I tried that and it didn't let me, and here we are. I will say that I don't recommend the home test, it was an anxiety filled experience and it kinda sucked having the same time to finish 120 questions as people that were less likely to go the distance in the adaptive. I just wanted to share my experience, It really sucked to work so hard to get an L in the end, but I'm committed to my own improvement and am seeing this as a detour, not my final destination, so I'd really appreciate if you guys were gracious with me, I do feel like a sufficient amount of **** and don't need any more today haha my plate is already full tbh. But I do really want your guy's input and comments on what I've said, even any tips or recommendations from your own experiences could be very helpful to me. Thanks for reading my spiel.
  15. Hey, Im a 19 year old 3 months into my accelerated course after a semester of university, since I’ll only be 20 when starting the job and many of you have detested medics my age what would you like too see in the younger medics. I want to be an asset, any advice?
  16. A few years ago, several of our Australian and/or New Zealand members were involved in a major wildfire in Australia, that lasted for weeks. My question is, did the smoke cause orange skies and major air pollution reports downwind from the fires, hundreds of miles/kilometers away like the North Eastern United States is now being subjected to? I only ask, as for the roughly last 48 hours, my New York City is having the worst unhealthy air pollution we've had, since 1965-1966. Sky literally is orange, and overall visibility extremely reduced.
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