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need advise for preventing /reducing heat related seizures .

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I am looking for some advise ........I have a good friend whose granddaughter contracted lyme disease at a very young age and now in her teens she has multi-systemic weaknesses. The one major area she and her family deal with is epileptic seizures. Now that summer is here she has a very difficult time being out in the heat and varying humidity for an extended amount of time (10 min or longer). The exposure sends her into very sever seizures....is there any products out there she could use to regulate her body's tempature enough so she can spend even 30 minute or so sitting on her porch and not be afraid of an ALS crew being called to the house ???



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Not to be condescending, but I doubt this would be accurately answered on a EMS forum. I would suggest talking to her neurologist and PCP's on what measures they suggest. Since the hypothalamus is responsible for heat and temperature regulation control this would be geared more to their expert opinion.

Coolants such as cooling pads (gel filled), or any other external devices that can provide externally cool environment.

Good luck,

R/r 911

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R/r911.........Iam not offended......this was the only spot I could think of to ask the question at.

As for the question of her pcp sugestng the test I am not even sure they thought of that. She resides in North Carolina....love the state...visited there many times but the medical community there refuses to acknowledge lyme disease to begin with . She lucked out when her mom was sirected to her pcp who just happens to be one of the top in the field and was trained in my home state of Pennsylvania.....

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