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Dextrocardia: Looking for info

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I am looking for information on dextrocardia. Especially patients who also have a pacemaker. I have searched the internet and what I have found is very limited. I was on a call recently with a dextrocardia patient and found it quite interesting. It was a short transport and I was unable to ask him questions. Patient care comes first. I know that is when the heart sits in the chest in what is considered "mirror image" and everything is in reverse. It can also include the organs to be flipped in the abdomen. Putting leads on this patient is done differently as the medic I rode with taught me that.

Does anyone have anymore info. they can share with me or suggestions for reading and research.



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Here is a good 'readers digest' version site about dextrocardia. Not an in depth site but covers basic information.


I had this one in my favorites list after having a patient with dextrocardia. Picked him up with accelerated a-fib. The a-fib was most likely 'Holiday Heart' and not related to the dextrocardia, as per the ER doc that night.

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I was never taught about putting the leads on differently, but I guess that makes sense. I did treat a 15 year old for a syncopal episode who had it. No one told us until after the call. At first, it seemed BS, like he was playing. Beautiful sinus rhythm, all vitals normal.. then he suddenly went junctional then ventricular to a rate of 30. It continued for a sort time, then increased to 50 and junctional. We found out about the tranverse heart after the fact. He also had it fixed. I learned that it is the same as a heart transplant, IE atropine won't work, and so on. This was a first for me, so I learned that much about it, but the doctor was a little busy to go into more detail with me.

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Here is a good 'readers digest' version site about dextrocardia. Not an in depth site but covers basic information.


I had this one in my favorites list after having a patient with dextrocardia. Picked him up with accelerated a-fib. The a-fib was most likely 'Holiday Heart' and not related to the dextrocardia, as per the ER doc that night.

Hey thanks Urban.

It may not have been in depth but it provided me with a little more information than what I have already found.

As a basic I had never heard of this before and when we went on the call I started to hook the guy up to the leads and the medic told me "Um yeah you have to do everything in reverse on him." I didn't ask questions and did what she told me. I got a really concerned look on my face when I handed her the read. She was like, "Oh that's normal for him." Then he says' "yep, I'm just a backwards kind of guy but you'll grow to love me." It kind of took the edge off. At the hospital she was starting to explain his condition but we got paged out again.

Thanks again!

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