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Cat Bloopers


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That isn't funny. Think about it. It's a good concept in terms of washing a kitty w/o getting cut to pieces, but did you watch that poor animal freak out? That's a small space... and it's wet to boot. What if the cat landed wrong? You could have limb injuries, spinal injuries, etc.; what about washing its ears and other things like that? Also, what if the E-stop fails and the door jams? It does happen. Fail-safes fail.

I didn't think it was particularly funny... just mean. Puts a lot of stress on the cat that isn't necessary. Think about it. Would you like it if someone shoved you into a closed box and jets of water shot out of the floor? I certainly wouldn't do this to a child, and neither would I do it to a cat or a dog or any other living being.

It would be different if it were a shower type system, with an open top and a trained handler... oh wait. That's called a pet groomer.

If you can't bathe a cat without getting damaged, turn your pet over to someone who can. (If I owned a cat, believe me... it would be groomer city.)




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