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CPR would have been nice!


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Why is it people just can't seem to learn CPR. My crew was sent on a unresponsive person this evening, by the time we got there, he had already been down 10 minutes (our response time was a little over 2 minutes from the time of dispatch to on scene). This guy was blue, and all bis buddys are standing around crying and telling us to hurry. I asked if anyone had done CPR, they answered no. Man, dont let me have a cardiac arrest around these folks. I mean seriously, how hard is it to learn CPR? I teach it here at the firehouse and everyone seems to pass. Oh well, just needed to vent. :x

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Understandable frustration however, after a while you will see that not everyone is as interested in learning medical procedures. One could ask if your house is child proof in all poisons, hazards, or do you check tire wear and pressure routinely on your vehicle ? All within normal safety questions...

Just remember although as frustrating as it is.. CPR is not very effective even if performed properly. Don't beat yourself up...

R/r 911

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Before I started my new job, I had to take a CPR course with my old job. They're really trying to change it to make it as easy as possible and as likely as possible that people will perform it.

It'd be great to have a really widespread campaign on it...on the level of the "Slow for the Cone Zone" or "Don't Drink and Drive" campaigns the DOT is pushing.

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It’s very traumatic for some people to see someone injured or in arrest.

As Rid said most people don’t wana learn first aid, they’d prefer to stay as far away as possible from any first aid matters.

It also can depend on the situation classic example (Bystander Effect) :

* Some people are scared to perform first aid in fear they will be sued if they do something wrong.

* If there was a crowd and no one was doing anything some people think ‘well if no one else is doing anything why should I?’

* Some people think they’d look like a wanker if they helped someone.

Just some info I learnt when I did my psych course.

But yeh don’t beat your self up about it! It’s not your fault.

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Some people just don't handle emergencies well. Maybe they just isn't smart.

Maybe they didn't know how bad off he was, and didn't want to hurt him more.

Does your PSAP give pre-arrival and CPR instructions?

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People panic and aren't sure of themselves if they've never done it in real life before. I remember the first (and so far the only) time I saw my sister choke on some food (this was a long time before becoming an EMT/thinking about medicine became a twinkle in my eye). Sure, I knew the heimlich maneuver, but I just sat there like :shock:. My dad jumped in and did it for her, but he's done it before.

Or a story from the ambulance. I was helping field train a new employee from my company (by "help", I mean "train" because I wasn't a driver at the time so the FTO had to drive). SNF ER call for ALOC. Nothing major on the physical besides the AMS. The trainee just sat there. I was like, "there's something on the ambulance that you can give him for ALOC, what is it [O2]." Sure, she was certified, but that doesn't mean she was thinking about using the equiptment on the ambulance.

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I can top that. Dispatched to a Sz. pt. Upon arrival we find first responders (EMTs) had placed an OPA, NRB, and AED on pt. Pt is lying supine with that greyish "I'm coding," color. They are just standing there looking at him. We asked (just to verify they didn't know something we didn't) "does the pt. have spontaneous respirations or circulation?" What do you suppose the answer was? Of course not. You would think if they no the pt is DEAD they MIGHT consider CPR. Nope, not these TRAINED PERSONELL. They opted to just LOOK at the very recently dead guy. Can we say DUMBASSES!

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