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working at a haunted house


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****On a serious note*****

Logistics and pre planning

You said this maze is expected to take 2 hours to get through so it sounds as if there are lots of twists and turns, in addition to being very dark.

What emergency lighting systems are in place? Do you have a good map of the maze?

Go to the farthest point of the maze and determine what routes you would take to egress.

Should there be an emergency, make sure you have the adequate resources to carry the pt out. DO you have a stokes? Do you have reliable help?

Do you have access to a loudspeaker system to halt all activity in case of an emergency?

Other things to watch out for are:



....and the most dangerous one (he lurks here as well)


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I did not say hiding...I said lurking....

Lurking means in the eaves waiting to pounce at first chance.....

You just proved my point. I think you have an alarm on this site, anytime your name is mentioned, you post within 2 minutes, pounce all over it, because you are lurking..awaiting..striking with stealth

I have never seen someone retort so fast, again and again at odd times of day or night...

Does Michael ever sleep?? Or is he forever lurking?

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Taken from your link....LOL

Smart-Ass lurkers

The "smart-ass lurker" is a person who watches a discussion take place, only to intervene with a derisive comment or "gotcha" gag-link that sends up the active participants (from a smug, detached position).

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Taken from your link....LOL

Smart-Ass lurkers

The "smart-ass lurker" is a person who watches a discussion take place, only to intervene with a derisive comment or "gotcha" gag-link that sends up the active participants (from a smug, detached position).

Please locate my derisive comment, gag-link, or my sending up of a participant. Unless GWB is a participant. Thanks!

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Good advice AK. I am new to the EMS world, but I think common sense goes a long way in this type of situation.(not implying that the original poster doesn't have plenty of common sense, Im sure you do) Things I personally would consider would be....

----Do I have easy access to a 4 wheeler, and am I familiar enough w/ it to operate it efficiently?

----Have I considered the "trouble" extrication sites, and effectively devised a plan?

----Have they designated an "emergency drive" for incoming EMS?

----Would a short C-spine and CPR training session be feasible with the lurking spooks and workers?

That is just a few that I would consider. Good luck and have fun. I went to a haunted woods a few years after high school and somehow it just didn't have the allure it once did. Maybe it was because I have already made out with girls,lol. Anyway, have a good time!

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