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Anyone have a list of car manufacturers that produce hybrids? I have a few was just looking for a complete list.

And location of battery packs, and high voltage wires.

I took a class about two years ago on this subject. I am sure almost every manufacturer must be producing one by now.

And possibly any new information you might have to add.


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Look for some of the vehicle extrication sites. www.extrication.com has some good information in this direction

Each manufacturer also has submitted the safety information to the DOT, for report to rescue departments.

Worse comes to worse, you can always spend an afternoon crawling aroung the carlot to find these things out on actual cars. :D

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Damn cars have gotten complicated. I remember when airbags were just coming out on vehicles and how concerned everyone was. I recently rented a car that had in the neighborhood of 10 airbags. I wanted to wrap it around a pole just too see all the airbags go off.

Now we have hybrids, electric, and even hydrogen fueled cars. My nephew is a mechanic, he had to have safety training to work on hybrids. They have to set up cones for a no go zone around the car to even do the basics like change a tail light. They also have a plastic pole to knock someone off the car if they are getting shocked. :shock:

It used to be we worried about fires or the car rolling. Now we have to worry about getting beat to death my multiple airbag deployments, getting electrocuted or being blown to hell by a hydrogen fuel cell. To make it worse many buses around here are fueled by LNG, now there's a big boom if something goes wrong...


I wonder how much it costs for Bakery school?




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Its getting out of the car that has become the hazard. Explosion, high voltage electrocution, and dodging the 10 to 15 airbags. Any one of which could probably kill you....LOL

Before all you had to worry about was the impact. Now if you survive that, you could be decapitated trying to exit the vehicle, electrocuted, or even better a hydrogen explosion. No thanks I will stick with my 78 impala........LOL

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In the world of hybrids it will be hard to keep up, it is an ever changing world. Seems like you are always getting bulletins for something new or better as far as technology goes and in regards to the extrication game.

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