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My name is Zon


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I was a new Paramedic and had a call to a local low income housing division for, a seizure. Almost their the FD gets on the radio and says pickup the pace. I don't drive fast and possible injure someone, but we did move a little quicker. When we arrivid I value my FD opioion, and I mean that they are good, so I walk in the house and their is a 20 y/o male pt lying the ground and looks to be seizing. Ok, I get down by his head where the FD had gathered and said what is his name and they said Zon, well I thought that is different, so I said hey MARK to check for any response or LOC and which time he stops shaking a looks up at me and say are you an idiot did you not hear him tell you that my name is Zon, and then lies back down and starts shaking, again I was a happy camper :D

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this should be listed in the page on WOW THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HUMMM... :roll: :roll: ....... :-k


Terri :angel13:

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sounds like you met my neice... she once tried to tell the medics her diagnoses... she is a regular taber's reader for new and improved illnesses she can suffer from... you all would just love her...... NOT

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I had a family member yell and scream at me.. when I apparently did not meet their pace or demands.. " Do you know what you are doing ?!.. For God's sake.. the Dr. told us she has Psuedoseizures!... Don't you realize what those are?.. Give her some Benadryl.. before she dies!...

I calmly informed yes, I do know what those are.. I suggest you should to. :wink: He was not to happy and presumed I was an idiot.

I wanted to tell him, but my partner would not let me...lol

R/r 911

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I to have family that has called be late one night to ask if I would come and see if my brother-in-law had broken his big toe. It was about 12:00am and I had to be at work at 7:00am. I told her that I was a paramedic and that I was unable to preform X-rays that their were the highly educated people at the Hospital that spent most of their lives in school that could help her, and that he would be able to hop to the car. Have a nice night.

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