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I'm an EMT-B (currently earning my Paramedic certification). I work in the ED, functioning as a nursing assistant/LPN. I work 'part time' 36-hours per week benefited at $8.87 per hour. I do many things street EMTs do not do: start IVs, take and interpret 12-leads, even administer drugs. It's nice, my role in the ED continues to expand as I work through my Paramedic cirriculum and gain new skills.

Our ED also utilizes Paramedics from 11am - 11pm for medical cases (cold, flu, simple trauma) under a P.A. or N.P. We are a very progressive ED in that respect, we owe it in part to the fact our Director is a former EMT and Paramedic himself and a fair amount of our Physicians began as EMTs or Paramedics.

EMTs and Paramedics are often sought after for their phlebotomy skills. Unfortunately outside of emergency medicine, an EMT-I holds only the equivalent of an advanced CNA.

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I'm an EMT-B (currently earning my Paramedic certification). I work in the ED, functioning as a nursing assistant/LPN. I work 'part time' 36-hours per week benefited at $8.87 per hour. I do many things street EMTs do not do: start IVs, take and interpret 12-leads, even administer drugs. It's nice, my role in the ED continues to expand as I work through my Paramedic cirriculum and gain new skills.

I am starting to get pissed off when I read stuff like this. It boggles my mind that this is allowed to happen. I can't stand seeing people with 150 hours of education are doing things that I can't do with 2-3 years college education...Paramedics don't function in the hospital environment here with simply their PCP/ACP/CCP. They must also have their RN (4 years university) or RPN (2 years college I think). I know in some Atlantic provinces and maybe some western provinces paramedics can function in the hospital with just their PCP/ACP/CCP but they have slightly more than an EMT-B equivalent...

I have to stop reading threads like this. :lol:

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Generally here (and my Texas friends can back me up) most ER Techs are given an "informal" class on how to start IV's. It doesn't mean they are good at it, it doesn't mean they are allowed to do this (it is a gray area here in Texas).

I have to agree with the other two posts, if you didn't want to be on an ambulance, then why are you in this field. Now might be a good time to consider switching to nursing if your thinking you'd like to work indoors and off of a rig (nothing wrong with that).

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Damn VS, you beat me to it!!!!!! Guys and Gals, working in an ED as a EMT or Medic does not a nurse make!!!!!! All of this crap about "we can do this, we can do that" is exactly that, CRAP!!! I have already called BS on one of these threads today and here pops up another. It is not as simple as a physician in the ER saying you can do something. There are other considerations i.e. State Board of Nursing, JCAHO, etc. I worked in an ED at one time, made almost $20/hr as a Paramedic. My job function...........

A well paid transporter, phlebotomist, and nurse bitch!!!! I enjoyed it thoroughly and it did provide a well rounded educational experience, but I knew my limits. No meds (violation of the Nurse Practice Act) were involved. No interpretations of 12 leads (I'd run 'em then give them to the doc). If you are an EMT and working in an ER you do not "fall" under the physician. Nor can you perform any skill outside of your scope of practice as outlined by your state EMS board. And you certainly cannot administer medications. If you are, you are wrong as is your facility! (Only known exception is a hospital based EMS that clearly outlines your duties).

Next thing you know someone will post that they can do thoracotomies in "their" ER!

O.k. I'm off my soap box, thanks for allowing the vent....................

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The hours and pay suck but yet you're willing to sit through class and (presumably) waste your time in order to get a job you obviously don't want?

Tell us again why you're in class?

Maybe it's time to reevaluate your priorities.

Find something else to do. Go to plumbing school or something. The hours and pay are probably better. And you'll relieve the rest of us who really enjoy and love what we do of your whining.

Ditto what the others above me have said as well.

-be safe

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