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Start my dream job Monday

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I'm honestly terrified...

I have ran trauma codes, trauma, codes, open fractures, etc but to be honest am worried about proving myself all over again.

I don't abide by the theory of once you graduate (A.A.S. in paramedicine and BS) you stop learning. I have studied any and every piece of paper possible but have yet to see every call. I have also "proven" myself twice over since I graduated and while I have no issue with that process it's just terrifying to attempt to do so for a third time in a year and in a scenerio where you have landed your dream job.

I have no idea what the intent of this message is or what I hope to gain from said message but for one reason or another it's therapeutic to type.

I still agree with Dwayne in dropping the IO and pray that no one would call me a cook book medic but with my history in the hospital it's hard not to be well aware of what you don't know. I would suggest that what I don't know (which is immense) scares the hell out of me.

That said I'm joining fire which I understand is viewed in a negative light.

While I appreciate the viewed discrepancy Iive in an area where Fire is the only ALS crew available minus one private company but let's just say this was my only route to a legit 911 service.

I have (as always) been reviewing my text and attempting to discover the light that flips the switch

Edited by Iowa Medic
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Best of luck to you IowaMedic. I just personally can't fathom working for an organisation that considers a move from Paramedic to Hose Monkey to be a promotion. Then again, you'll probably understand why I think that way if you read my post about the Beer in Funny Stuff. ;)

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Well done. Glad to hear that you're doing things that scare you. It's a good sign that you're pushing against your boundaries. It's a fantastic career.

Don't ever feel like you have to apologize for being a firefighter. Wear your uniform with pride. Show up and do a good job.

Good luck Iowa

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You will be fine, just remember that no matter how bad the call is, YOU did not cause the injury or illness, you are just there to do the best you can, and many times, doing the best you can will not be enough. Also remember that a "code" may be one of the most critical calls you will run, but they are already dead -- hard to make "dead" worse no matter what you do or fail to do.

I hope that your service will put you with a preceptor or strong medic until you get your confidence up. If not, I would strongly suggest transporting a higher percentage of your patients than the traditional medic would, for the first few months. Refusals and drunks will bite you in the butt more than the typical code ever could.

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...I would strongly suggest transporting a higher percentage of your patients than the traditional medic would, for the first few months. Refusals and drunks will bite you in the butt more than the typical code ever could.

Mentally, professionally, morally, ethically, emotionally....

Great point.

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Been crazy busy hence the lack of updates.

Going well, constant training and jumping a few calls as third wheel for the first 6 weeks then on the ambulance exclusively for the first couple years.

Extremely excited and the Med Director allows you to operate within our scope.

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