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Some things you can't explain


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This old farmer was drinking his night away at the bar, downing one shot of whiskey after another. The bartender ventures down to fill his glass and says "Fella, I always see guys like you coming in here to drink away their sorrows and I'll tell ya, it never works. Why don't you tell me what it is that's got your head in a bind and we'll see if it's worth the bar tab?"

The farmer says, "Man... there's just some things you can't explain".

Bartender: "Try me... I've worked here for 20 years, I've heard it all."

Farmer:" Well alright, but only if you pour me another tall one. You see, I went out to the barn this morning to milk our old cow. She's a mean one too. Kickin and gruntin and not wanting to let me anywhere near her... man, I don't know if I want to tell you this. There's just some things you can't explain."

Bartender: "Well hell, sounds like a rough day of work, but nothin strange yet. Lemme fill your glass and you can keep talkin"

Farmer: "Well, I set down the stool and the bucket to milk the cow and she'd just keep kicking the bucket over. And every time I'd go to pick up the bucket, she'd knock the stool over. Then I'd go to get the stool and she'd kick the bucket again, and well... I dunno, I don't think I wanna tell the rest. There's just some things you can't explain"

Bartender: "Have another, it ain't so bad so far, but let's hear it"

Farmer: "Fine... so, I looked around and saw my rope. I grabbed that rope and tied that cows leg to the post and sat down to start milking again. Wouldn't you know it? That dang ol cow was back at it with the other leg. So I grabbed more rope and tied up her other leg. Right as I sat down, that cow took her tail and swung it down and knocked the stool over. And... man, I don't wanna keep going."

Bartender: "This rounds on me, sounds like this story is getting good".

Farmer: "I looked around and tried to find more rope, but the only thing I had left was my belt. So I grabbed that tail, wrapped the belt around it, stood up on the stool, and started tying her tail up to the rafter. As I reached up, my pants fell down, and that barn door swung wide open with my wife coming out to get me for breakfast. And there's just some things you can't explain.

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