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Okay - so let me start out by saying that I have led a very sheltered life. I'd also like to emphasize the word "very". Off shift with a episode of Law and Order SVU on in the background and I just learned about something they called an alcohol vaporizer. Interesting concept and one of which I had not heard.

It's illegal in the state of Texas as well as many others. However, has anyone ever come across this device with a patient in the field? Any insight for one who might come across this device with a patient in the field?


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I think a CSI episode had a club that had alcohol being misted from the ceiling.

I also know of one medic who ran a patient from a house that had misting alcohol in one of the rooms. they had been warned about the alcohol being misted prior to entering the room so they had donned the air tanks. Patient was unresponsive due to the alcohol and drugs they had taken. Turned out there was also a meth lab in the basement. He wasn't told about it though. That was raided about 2 weeks later.

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Okay - so let me start out by saying that I have led a very sheltered life. I'd also like to emphasize the word "very".

So I'm guessing enemas of alcohol to "beat a breathalyzer" would be another new one for you?

Edited by usalsfyre
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So I'm guessing enemas of alcohol to "beat a breathalyzer" would be another new one for you?

Um...yeah! :confused:


Ummm, I have "heard" or been told that nebulizing alcohol is quite the rush...think about it..vaporize it, inhale it, straight to the lungs and in the blood! Great drunk!!..So I have heard.

LOL - I've already had to change my question from "do you drink" to "do you drink alcohol". I guess my new line of questioning will change from "do you drink" to do you in any way/shape/form/fashion have alcohol enter your body?

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Alcohol nebulizer? That's a new one on me, but nothing surprises me anymore. New and creative ways to catch a buzz, I guess. I've heard of damn near anything with alcohol being consumed in desperate times.

We had a regular female- always drunk, but one time she had a sickening, sweet- but familiar- smell to her breath. Of course we're thinking she finally developed diabetes and was in DKA. As we were gathering her worldly possessions, I had a lot of clinking from one of her bags. Turns out she had approximately 2 dozen small bottles of vanilla extract, She cleaned out the local store of their supply and was pretty darn drunk. I knew there was some alcohol in this stuff, but these bottles actually are about 35%. I cannot imagine being so caught up in my addiction that I would turn to mouthwash, vanilla extract, or anything else like that.

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