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The economic wrecking ball is still rolling.........


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Fire around here was one of the last to be hit, but the largest dept just announced either closing of fire station or forced layoffs. In the past, they've just delayed the new hire of recruits in the academy, or not opened for a class that year. It's hitting everybody and I don't look for it to get any prettier.

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Well just speaking 'unofficially" for the frozen ass north, I have yet to even hear a even a hint of cutbacks in the area of justice and the court system.

But oh yea IAFF is doing their best to get the biggest piece of the pie they can in Winnipeg and trying in Toronto as well.


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Fire has done such a great job with prevention, they've nearly put themselves out of work. They know there will always be medical calls, so there is no worries about lack of work there. If they don't get it they know the cutbacks will be happening to them and God forbid we put fire out of business. I'm not saying close down firestations, or put people out of work, but how about giving US some grants instead of fire ? I see very few FD people suffering right now, but plenty of private/county EMS. If we don't get our act together and soon, if we don't join them (which I'm NOT advocating) then they're going to take over. It's time we gave fire a boot in the rear and protected our turf !

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P3.... its a give and take, but its better then no union right now.

I just wanted to show ya a article that has been going on in our county. You always hear FD's taking EMS over because of cuts. But, in this case EMS is taking over FD transport. (A little side note: Even though they voted it down, The county ultimately holds the C.O.N. They have a MOU with the county in place which enables them to transport. If the county truly sees inadequate service delivery they can pull the plug on them and takeover at any point. The only thing though, is if FD stalls enough, goes bankrupt and forces the county takeover, they can sue the county back for the right to transport after the enconomy has re-established itself here. If they give it up voluntarily they are giving up all rights which they will never get back. Which is a terrible game to play but never the less they're playing it. I live in this district so I'm watching it very carefully.

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