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Doctor of (Cookbook) Medicine?


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the role of Government Sponsored Enterprises Fannie-Mae and Freddy-Mac and the momentum given to the situation by increasing government pressure to provide shaky mortgages. I also should have placed that in context with a climate of ever decreasing regulation of the market

Hmm... I'd a said that increasing government pressure = ever increasing regulation of the market.

an entirely unregulated free market best underpins western society provides the perspective from which so much of this was viewed.

Again, I'd say we get unnecessary problems when markets are "regulated" [= "suppressed"].

The economy is far from my strong suit, but I'm comfortable in saying that a whole bunch of people making way more money than any of us will in EMS, with little to no restriction on how they do things (whether in the private sector or government) are responsible for the mess we're in.

And again, I'd have restrictions come from the nature of the craft itself, whether it's patients or pork-bellies.

I have a social left bias and I'm comfortable with that and maybe it is that bias that's leading me here, but how can a profit-driven model ever by it's nature consistently work in the best interests of the patient and still maximize profits? I just don't see it.

And I see no other way. Oh well. :)

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