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not EMS but....an odd question id like to find the answer to


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So,someone today had asked me a really interesting question in which I wasn't really sure how to answer in terms of physiology. I guess this is one of those "why does the heart beat"kinda questions but there must be reasonable explanation somewhere. Maybe I should be talking to a clinical physcologist. Anyways,the question was,why does happiness/sadness make an individual cry? What triggers the physiological response? Does an excess amount of serotonin/phenethylamine in the synapse trigger something to flip the dump switch on the eye ducts for them to release the watery fluid over the pupil?Is it some sort of protein? I'm interested to find this out. I haven't asked anyone in the institution yet,but I will come Wednesday. What are your thoughts?

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I will admit - I don't know the physiology of why we cry... but this was a good topic, so I googled it (I know, google is my friend..) and did find a fairly good site with good explanations (until you get to the religious stuff at the bottom of the article, which is not in any way part of the science I was looking for)...


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