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I have never, God strike me dead if I am lying, been drunk to the point of vomiting. I actually have only been tipsy a few times... and I would consider myself having been "drunk" after an 18 oz microbrew wheat beer the other night. Stumbling, couldn't have passed a sobriety test if I had tried.

I don't dig alcohol all that much. Something that tastes good that I like- sure, but my body rejects it after about 1-1.5 drinks.

I was a drunk sitter. I didn't drink because I didn't want to end up like them. Now that I'm older, I only drink what I want, when I want, rather than "I'm bored, let's go... etc"



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Ah, the fabulous sport of "drunk sitting". After a while, aspiration pneumonia doesn't seem so terrible....

I did that pretty much all the way through high school. I was the non-drinking, hanging out, responsible guy that everyone could depend on to get them home safely. and keeping an eye on those who were completely incompacitated. We had some power drinkers in my class. I use think it wasn't appreciated all that much. But now, over the years, I've had quite a few thank me.

Actually, you could say I stopped drinking when I was 14. After 19, you could say I made up for it.

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