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Want an AAS without all the work? Go here!

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:D I agree, if it was anyone of us, we would have been fired/ put in jail and stripped of any and all licenses we do hold now. I don't get the cheaters. I got mine the hard way, I studied, studied and then some more study. I am proud of my degree, I earned it. [/font:3d63c99d08]

I think the difference between us (The non cheaters) and them (the cheaters) is simply that as paramedicine was our primary objective the information we were given during out education seemed vital. We wanted it all, so as to have it available when we needed it in the real world.

When your paramedic education is simply a stepping stone that you have every intention of avoiding the use of at every turn, then the information is simply fodder for passing exams. In that instance, cheating makes perfect sense. There is no good reason to spend thousands of hours studying something you have no intention of using, right?

I'm guessing that you were perhaps like me, and many others here. You left school with your degree hungry to fill in all of the parts of your education that you didn't feel strong enough with? You expected to be validated by graduating, but instead found that though you'd learned an amazing amount, you'd educated yourself to the point that you'd come to understand that you were ignorant in some places, and are unable to simply allow that to 'be' and go about your 'ambulance' job?

People like the lady in the story, and her instructor, would be completely unable to follow that line of thinking....

Congrats on your degree! And thanks for sharing your thoughts....


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Well, by now their "romantic involvement" will have reached the "look what you made me do" / "it's all your fault" / "why did I ever listen to you" stage. Bless 'em.

I was hoping to find a picture of her to see if she was worth it, but all I could find was a picture of him.


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thats true it isn't the same as a degree, but i but my license works the same as yours without a degree

Welcome to the City.

Please do a search of the forums regarding education, degrees and problems caused by the lack there-of. I'm sure you will have plenty of reading material to keep you busy. Perhaps it might even offer some insight CONTENT REMOVED - ADMIN

-be safe

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thats true it isn't the same as a degree, but i but my license works the same as yours without a degree

LOL. Good one. You are joking or CONTENT REMOVED - ADMIN. Well actually you are right that most states give no additional weight to a degree vs a certification. But still is not a better education better for those we help?

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thats true it isn't the same as a degree, but i but my license works the same as yours without a degree

I don't know where you are since you FAIL to give us even the most basic information, but chances are you don't have a licence. Just a certification. Major difference.

But I'd like to hear your explanation as to what you mean by it "works". Do you mean that it gets you a job at wherever it is you are employed, just the same as a degree? Or do you mean that it "works" to prepare you as a quality provider of medical care just the same as the degree? Hit and run sniping comments like yours do little to foster healthy discussion. If intelligent discussion is important to you, then please continue further with your thought process. If not, well... we've seen your kind before.

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