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Patients who carry no health insurance

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I would like to know why is it that when a patient who happens to be injured whether it be the fault of another or themselves, usually will not be seen as quickly as another who may be injured who is totally insured.

Sounds like you've either been listening to too much Hilary, or watching too much Michael Moore. You obviously have spent no time in an ER, because you don't know what you are talking about.

You know why poor people are seen slower? Because they go to the government run county hospital, which has mega long lines and uber slow service. Good thing the government doesn't run ALL hospitals!

I sometimes think that people who fall into certain income brackets and who live off a budget should only have to pay a certain percentage each month whether they be employed or not. Do I have any here that may agree with this? :?

That is exactly what happens now. Did you think this was some revolutionary new idea that nobody have thought of? Patients sign a payment agreement in the ER. Then they never pay a cent of it. Wonderful idea. So no, nobody who makes a living in healthcare will agree with you.

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Fatal flaw in your reasoning

quote starts here

I sometimes think that people who fall into certain income brackets and who live off a budget should only have to pay a certain percentage each month whether they be employed or not. Do I have any here that may agree with this? Quote ends here

if they are not employed how will they pay? Government assistance only goes so far and by the end of the money from the check do you think that the healthcare system gets any of it? NOPE

I pay over 500 a month in health insurance, yeah my companies insurance plan sucks but then again I make a lot more than most medics or emt's on this forum so I consider that it's a small percentage of my income to make sure that I'm covered anywhere in the country that I'm working, I rest assured that my son and wife are covered and they can see any doctor, go to any hospital, go to any clinic in the United states and I'll still only pay a certain percentage of the bill, the insurance company will pay the rest.

As for Dust's comment about government run hospitals being packed like cattle calls. My wife went to the local er. It's only about 5 minutes from my house or 2 minutes if you drive like an idiot. She went at 12midnight on Saturday night when most ERs are usually busy.

She was one of two patients in the ER at that time. She was seen and discharged in 2 hours. If this was one of the inner city hospitals or even the hospital she works at which is in a very nice part of town she would have spent 2-3 hours in the waiting room and then 3-5 hours in the ER because of the volume in the ER at the time.

Thank goodness we live in an area of upper income people who do not use the ER's as their local doctors office. I hope it stays that way.

But Dust, if the democrats get in office and put everyone on the insurance rolls it will become this way everywhere. The government can't do a good job running anything else, why in the world would we want them to run our healthcare? I just don't see it.

Now you put the 45 million uninsured people on insurance, where is the money going to come from to pay for it all? If you think your taxes are bad now just wait till this whopper gets started. I have a plan but it's a far cry from what is currently happening now and it will be an even further departure from what killary wants to do.

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It sounds like you came here with an axe to grind.

I have never seen any disparity in care between the payers and non-payers who show up at the ERs that I work in. They are treated the same by the staff regardless of insurance status.


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Have to agree with most of what has been said. I have no idea if a pt has insurance or what kind they have. Doesn't really matter, everyone gets treated the same. The way I see it, every pt is a landmine waiting to be stepped on and therefore gets what they need to be properly worked up/treated.

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