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Found 17 results

  1. Hello! I was wondering if anyone on this forum would be able to help me out : ). I am from Australia and am interested in training as an EMT in the US and would further like to work as an EMT for 6 months. However, I’m finding it difficult to determine what visa this is possible on/if it is possible. I understand that I would probably need a student visa for the training, it is the work visa that I am struggling to understand. Any information would be incredibly helpful! Thank you!
  2. 🚑 Attention First Responders! 🚑 As an EMT and student researcher, I'm diving into how we handle psychiatric calls to enhance our communication and strategies. I've crafted a brief survey to collect your insights. Your input, big or small, is crucial and greatly appreciated. This survey values your time, so feel free to share as much as you're comfortable with. Your experiences are key to improving our response to these vital calls. Thanks for your help and all you do! 👉 https://forms.gle/sQobNafxAPo3BLbB6 Stay safe!
  3. Hi! I recently took the PAT for AMR and I failed because I was too short and I couldn't get the stretcher high enough to get it back into the ambulance. Everything else I could do just fine and the test was honestly easier than I thought it was going to be, but when I went to put the stretcher back in the ambulance, I couldn't. I can lift it just fine, so I don't think weight is the issue, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for my retest in a few months. I'm 5'4, and I was the shortest person testing that day. Thank you!
  4. I'm learning to become an EMT, so be easy on me for asking this newbie question, but it points to something about O2 adminstration that I don't understand. Virginia's health department posts a bunch of scenarios for EMT training like this one: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/23/2016/05/M003.pdf In it we find a young adult diabetic patient with a Rx for insulin, able to speak but not feeling well, alert and oriented x3 but "sluggish to respond" and a CC of "not feeling right". He has an O2 sat of 95 and respiratory rate of 14, no mention of cyanosis, vitals normal except for low glucose. Why does the grading criteria call it a critical fail to not provide O2? As a not-yet-certified EMT student with no field experience, I'd think this pt doesn't seem to be in any sort of respiratory distress; he just needs some glucose paste and continued monitoring enroute to the ER (and probably doesn't even need the ride, but I understand we are always supposed to transport everyone unless they sign waivers since there are problems that require more skill/equipment than we have to Dx.) Are we supposed to automatically provide O2 for everyone (except those in hypoxic drive), regardless of O2 sat? Just when I think I'm starting to get a handle on this...
  5. Hello Everyone, I am a civilian Critical Care Paramedic with a question for our Military Medic brothers and sisters. Do you feel your military medical training is aqueduct to operate as a Paramedic in the civilian population? This has been a long standing question I have had. I have worked with many military medics who are frustrated by the limited role they are given when transitioning to civilian EMS. I do share the thought that military medic are underutilized in the civilian setting when only being given an EMT level certification. That being said, it has always been my belief that military medical training if not sufficient to prepare someone to care for the vastly different and more diverse medical issues, situations and populations in the civilian world. I have never been through a military medic training course, so what I am seeking is insight to what is covered in the course. I am hoping to either confirm my beliefs or to learn new information that would give me a different point of view and a better perspective on the depth of military medical training. Lastly, I do believe a bridge program should be set up for military medics to help them quickly obtain paramedic status in the civilian world. The program should take the knowledge and skills learned from the military training and add in training on pediatrics, geriatrics, OB and any other areas not covered. All I ask is some insight from those that have gone through military medic training and especially those that have made the transition to civilian Paramedic. Thank you for your selfless service to our country.
  6. Hey y'all I am 30 years old and very set on becoming a EMT and possibly a paramedic later on. The problem that keeps playing in my mind is will my 11 year old DUI effect my career or hinder my application when applying for a job? I have not had even a traffic violation since. Any info would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  7. Here's a question that comes up often with my fellow instructors. We have students that range in age from 18 to 60. It's challenging because they learn differently. Being a Baby Boomer I can reach other Boomers and the Gen Xers fairly easily. I'm looking for techniques to keep the Millenials focused and on point.
  8. Hello all! I am new here but I have been reading threw the internet trying to find some help with something. I have been working on a program that I have been using over the last year to track my patient contacts as well as terms and stats on my training complete with reports to see when I would be cleared to take my test (as my school was constantly losing my stuff). So the more I worked with it and the more I learned about my needs as a paramedic student I decided that I should clean up the code and make a public version for my classmates. Well sadly they are not computer savvy and did not take the time to actually use it and so that idea failed. But I have continued to work with it and play with different ideas and I think it is something that could really help a LOT of other young students from EMT -> Paramedic (as ECAs do not have rideouts). I am attaching the public version and I would like to see what you all think. If its something that you would like to use yourself then by all means let me know and ill get you setup! I am working on a version 2 that has a new look and some new features but as I am still a student myself I don't have a lot of time to work on it. If some of you are coders and would like to talk about completing some additions/modifications to the project I would love to bring in some new people to the project as well (also really need help with bitbucket setup and running) I have also started work on a mobile app for the PCR side of the application to be used in the field as students to rideouts so iOS and android programmers are also needed. This is not a program I am charging for right now. If i have to charge in the future I will make a new area for schools to get custom features but I want to keep it free for the wonderful future medics like myself so they can have a little less worry and get those nice new patches! Public Version: school.jtfeatures.com
  9. Greetings from Oregon. If anyone can share comments on their own experience participating in a Hybrid EMT training program, please reply. Best regards.
  10. Hello everyone! I'm new to the site so I hope I posted properly. I retired from the US Army National Guard in 2012. I did a few combat tours as a 68 W. Just prior to retiring, I served as Combat Medical Instructor as-well-as an EMT B Instructor. My licensed recently lapsed and had to re-take everything all over again so make sure you don't do that! Anyway, I was thinking of going for the AEMT segment and would like to know if any of you have completed your Advanced EMT program. Did you find anything as far as resource material helpful? I have the 10th Edition of the Orangebook as-well-as student book, but really it does not get into detail of AEMT. I would appreciate any feedback to help this EMT out:) Respectfully,
  11. Does any one have any good recommendations for a great Paramedic training program in the bay area? I've found NCTI/ Foothill college/ Las Positas/ American Health and Fast Response. Has anyone personally been to any of these schools and can give me some insight into their training and hours and cost or any information that would be helpful in deciding which school to go to? Or if I've missed any other schools here on the list... Thanks in advance.
  12. Hello everyone, I'm interested in becoming a paramedic and don't really know the ropes of the field. I love to learn and would want to learn as much as possible in this field to become the best paramedic I can be.
  13. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I am currently employed by the FDNY as a medic. ( Love my job, but want to leave NY)My family is relocating to Charlotte. My wife was offered a position in her company that is providing us with an opportunity to leave NY. I attended Medic911's assessment center and was accepted onto their waiting list for the next class. I want to know how much advance notice they will give me before the start of the next academy class. I have two children in school and they have to be transferred. I also need to give notice to the FDNY. I have looked at homes and have an idea of where we will live. I have requested this information from Medic911 and not received a reply. The human resources manager told me she has no idea when the next class is, but I just want to know how much notice they will give. My home is sold and I have to get out of it by October 1st. I would appreciate any information from the community. Thanks
  14. Hello guys, I was wondering what kind of CBRN protocole you had in your services, what kind of equipments and what would be your role in case of major or minor CBRN event, either accidental or criminal. If you don't have anything to respond to this kind of problem, do you think it would be good to develop that field? If you have procedures, are you happy with them? Are you concerned by CBRN issues, for instance if you work in a sensitive area (big city, near chemical industries etc...)? Thanks
  15. Hey All, I'm the acting training coordinator for a volunteer corp in CT. We're currently re-vamping our current precepting program and creating a type of "academy", if you will. We want to come up with a final evaluation. Something that eliminates the personal predjudices and ideals of the FTO making the evaluation, but creates a stable and consistent process to determine that each trainee is competent and reliable. I've come up with a few details, but I'd like something to compare them to. This is new for our corp as training has never been taken to the highest level of seriousness in the past. How is training where all of you work/volunteer? What are some of the things they require for a trainee to prove themselves of their abilites? What are some methods that your organizations employs in obtaining that goal? Any comments or ideas would be extremely helpful and appreciated. -Justin-
  16. I have recently registered for an EMT-b training course through Emergency Care Programs and CAN'T WAIT! Has anyone taken or heard of Emergency Care Programs? I did some research before choosing a program since I am paying for it myself and currently am a full-time pre-PA student and it seemed to be the best fit in regard to schedule, cost, and availabilities. (link: http://www.emergencycareny.com/) My training starts at the end of May, after I graduate from Hunter College with a BA in Sociology, and ends in mid-August. My plan is to work as an EMT for a couple of years while taking the additional I need to apply to a PA program. Based on your experience as an EMT / EMS / Paramedic / emergency care provider do you think finding a job in NYC or the surrounding area will be extremely difficult? My focus has always been about emergency care, so I wanted to get as much experience as possible before immersing myself in PA school. Thank you a future EMT-b & PA.
  17. Hello! I'm interested in taking an EMT-Basic course in Washington DC (or possibly the close-in suburbs, but DC proper strongly preferred). I am in my mid-30s and have totally unrelated B.A. and work experience. My schedule is very flexible, and my top priority is the quality of the instructor(s). Thank you in advance for your insight and any resources you can share!
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