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Posts posted by scubanurse

  1. second no I'm not paying attention to proper spelling, I did't realize I had teachers reading my writings. [...]

    You think I'm stupid with my grammer and spelling. Go ahead, I'm not here out wit or spell you. I love my Job.


    Give reasonable attention to your grammar. Although we want to maintain a casual atmosphere here, this is ultimately a PROFESSIONAL forum where members of the public are free to read and draw conclusions about us as a profession. There is an automatic spell checker provided on this forum. Please use it. Do not post messages that appear as if they were taken from a 13 year old girl's AOL chat. "You" is spelled YOU, not "u." "Whatever" is spelled WHATEVER, not "w/e." And punctuation is extremely important to those trying to understand your statements. If you are too pressed for time to type legibly and using punctuation and capitalization, then please come back later when you have more time. AND NEVER POST IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!

    We're just asking that you pay attention to your grammar per the site rules you agreed to... is that so much to ask?? It is difficult for tired eyes and minds to comprehend your posts sometimes due to the poor spelling and grammar. I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you, and maybe I did let my frustrations get the best of me... Welcome to the site and I hope you find it useful!

  2. NYCEMS-->

    And I'm sorry to say you might be the guy called to the stand one day to testify and your EMS reports and personal credibility is called into question due to the inability to use proper grammar and spelling, it was difficult to discern what you were trying to get across at times. After reviewing some of your other 21 posts, I am further convinced in your need for a basic grammar and english course... or a tool to help you review your posts prior to posting. How you post on this forum is a reflection of not only you but the training and education you have. Consistently misspelling diagnose (you seem to spell it diagnos) and sense (you seem to spell it sent) are just a few examples of how you are providing further ammunition against your argument about book smarts versus field experience. Furthering the point that people need a proper education to become medics not just field experience....

    "Also I totally disagree with you comment as far as knowledge. Book smart goes hand in hand with hands on experience. Knowledge is power." You even take the time to contradict yourself in another forum thread titled "Two Medical Call Reviews" so my question posed to you is which is it? knowledge is power or field experience?

    A good medic will find the balance between book smarts and street smarts... and I vehemently believe that one can acquire both... not just through experience in the field as you say but also through the classroom and clinical experience. They will also learn that indeed BLS does come before ALS, and I am sorry if your experience with medics in the FDNY were not positive as they "stay and play on scene too dam loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng" but that may be more appropriately attributed to the instructional system set up in the area for training medics, but I do not know enough about the program or department to pass judgment.

    Harsh...maybe... but again your comment about doc being a poor medic because of his beliefs was pretty damn judgmental.... I suggest downloading firefox with spell check and continuing to contribute :)

    Just my thoughts and opinion on the matter.

  3. Granted but Richard ends up president of Zimbabwae.

    I wish I could give Terri a huge hug.

    Granted but now super glue has you two stuck together forever!!

    I wish I could re-do some parts of my life to be better.

  4. I understand how you feel and you have every right to feel that way but consider this...

    do you hit report on the unrelated/off topic threats that pop up? Or somehow notify the mods that this is happening in a particular thread? because if you're not, then you're just allowing it to happen and being quite passive. mods and admin can't go through and read everything there is in every single thread started on this site. they have lives other than the city as I am sure you are aware of. If we take more time and report off topic/unrelated replies then maybe people will get the point over time as their posts are pulled from the threads and potentially a message sent that the behavior is not appreciated...

    just my 2 cents worth but try hitting reply and stepping up and taking some action against the behavior... and if you already do this than ignore this post...

  5. Turning in an official complaint to the state at this point seems to me like sour grapes.

    In my opinion ignore fiznat... if would be considered a crime that you withheld this information. you have no excuse now not to inform the state since Lone Star did the leg work for you and go the contact information for you... Write up a document stating your concern and the paramedics name and the company, what they told you regarding them knowing about his expired card, and what they told you about staying quiet or leaving and file it as a formal complaint to the state. the company should loose their license as well for knowingly breaking the law and the medic, as lone start stated, should be brought up on felony charges. this is very serious my friend, and needs to be treated accordingly.

    Please do the right thing... you should be able to file the complaint annonymously as well. Please please please file the report today!

  6. PT # 3 - 28 y/o Female Unresponsive HR (weak) 20, RR (labored) 8, BP 20/P, Injuries to the chest and abd, open right femur Fx

    Red 25 (71%), Yellow 0 (0%), Green 0 (0%), Black 0 (0%)

    Based on START Triage this Patient is a Red (The patient is still breathing and does still have a pulse, while it is weak and his outlook is not good there is no reason to place this patient as expected yet given your resources)

    Thanks to everybody who responded and helped out

    According to just the poll online here you had 3 responses stating they would triage patient 3 as a Black but your reported data states 0%... what is the criteria for which votes you are counting and which ones you are not??? Also, all the other numbers add up to 35 votes except for patient 3. A mistake perhaps?...Because it looks to me like you are "doctoring" the data which is a big NO-NO! Just curious :)

    PT # 3 - 28 y/o Female Unresponsive HR (weak) 20, RR (labored) 8, BP 20/P, Injuries to the chest and abd, open right femur Fx

    Priority 1 (Red/ Immediate) [ 19 ] ** [82.61%]

    Priority 2 (Yellow/ Delayed) [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

    Priority 3 (Green/ Hold) [ 1 ] ** [4.35%]

    Priority 4 (Black/ Expected) [ 3 ] ** [13.04%]

  7. I'm with Mobey... if it comes back that you stated one incorrect statement about your chief.... if could bite you in the ass...

    I also found it difficult to understand with the grammar/spelling errors and just be aware with any legal actions that could come out of this... spelling and grammar reflect either positively or negatively on you, especially if you were an officer.

    Best of luck to you, but it sounds like you did have some medical issues that you didn't disclose to your department, and if you were in fact in the ICU, they should be made aware and the department doctor should make the decision with regards to fit for duty or not... not all primary doc's are aware of the psychological and physiological stresses of our job.... jut my 2 cents worth though.

    Best of luck...

  8. Who the hell voted #1 as a green tag?

    We use the Smart Triage/IC system, anyone who cannot ambulate due to injury is automatically a Priority 2 (Yellow Tag).. and I'm gonna go out on a limb, and guess that he ain't going anywhere with an open fracture of a leg.

    I agree... patient #1 should NOT be a green guys! With vital signs like that? This patient is at the least in compensatory shock HR 120, RR 22, BP 95/P Hypotension ( although it is a 20 YOM so this could be close to the norm, we do not know that on scene) and an increased RR and HR indicate early signs of shock... not green material! Also an open fx should require delayed care... if they get classified as a Green it could be hours before he is seen and if major vessels/nerves are involved, this guy lost a limb... But more importantly he's a yellow based on vital signs alone..

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