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Posts posted by scubanurse

  1. The doctor part is especially confusing. There's a Physical Therapist I know who refers to themselves as a Doctor because their technical title is DPT. I don't think this is right though, especially in the hospital setting because doctor is more commonly related to a medical doctor and using it in the term of a PT can be confusing.

    Now starting in 2015, NP's will be required to have their DNP, but NP's have prescribing powers and a NPID number as well as a DEA number so I'm more ok with them being called doctor than a physical therapist.

  2. Giving three quick sprays of SL Nitro instead of one, recheck vitals, another, recheck vitals, and a third if stable/necessary.

    I've seen a c-collar on so tight there was color change in the patient's face.

    No strapping someone into the stair chair appropriately and having them fall out.

  3. Does it count if you can lick the elbow of the person sitting next to you?

    It is impossible to lick

    your elbow.

    I used to be able to lick my own elbow... Lateral/posterior dislocation of the shoulder and rotate externally = licking my elbow.

  4. I ditto ERdoc's statement about the ER nurse. Every nurse I know has been made to take manual BP's over and over and over again. On top of that I know most ER nurses who will get one set of manual vitals first or at some point during the visit. In a trauma, you automatically take two manual BP's to compare left and right sides. As a nurse I take manual BP's several times throughout the shift on my patients who require them to be done routinely.

  5. When I first started we were on 19hr rotating shifts. I would stay up, having come from my other full time job of 50+ hours a week..I was totally exhausted, but terrified that I'd sleep too deeply and right through a dispatched call. Here I am, 3 years later, and will now go to sleep at the drop of a hat..my new partner is the same way..I'm trying to tell her otherwise, but to no avail. Ive learned so much in the past three years.. like I didn't know nearly as much as I thought I did, and still have tons to learn. I try to pick up whatever I can now and apply it. It's made me a better EMT.

    I hope you learned how important sleep is and how dangerous it is being awake and trying to work, never mind drive, for that long.

  6. It's not looking like I will be back on truck anytime soon. :( I saw my surgeon last week and it's looking like another surgery on my ankle. I am going tomorrow for my 2nd cortisone shot, he wants to see if that helps before we decide to go ahead with the 2nd surgery. I will go back in 4 wks for another follow up and discuss whether or not to go ahead with surgery. If we decide that it's needed I will be having surgery in Jan.

    My other ankle unfortunately needs to be done as well. I will be holding off on that one as long as possible.

    Merry Christmas to me :(

    I strongly suggest you see another surgeon that has done multiple surgeries on EDS patients if you indeed do have EDS ( I think you were waiting on confirmation from a genetic doc last I heard). Hold off on surgery as long as possible and find a good PT that will strengthen your ankle. My cousin with EDS has crap ankles that you can literally cock like a shock gun they're so loose and she's held off on the surgery because of poor outcomes. I know several EDS friends who have had to have ankle fusions, like my shoulders, because of several failed surgeries.

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