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Everything posted by tniuqs

  1. Um isnt it spellet periferral? or is that just in Kanukistan ? :shock: :oops: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  2. Yikes don't rain on my tecky, geek parade. I have a PDA/Cell Phone/ +++ it sure is convenient as my "back up plastic brain" just to check calculations and with PEPID ED this provides a great little pocket resource, oh btw a study that was completed by PEPID concluded that decreased errors of "incorrect" drug dosage calculations were made with the application of this geeknology ... is that a word ? .... tis now .... lol. Yea, yea the PEPID folks did this study but when it comes to kids hey why not use a plastic brain as I am not always 100 % .... was that my outside voice again ? OMG ! I have been playing with numerous programs including E-RUN which is a "freeware download" one can purchase an option to beam it to a IR port and into an excel document. hey just me but I think a great and inexpensive way to E PCR reports cause my chicken scratching can be less than optimal and I can correct errors i.e. "SPELLING" entries with the press of backspace not a line through and I will try again....messy looking documents look well .... stupid as well. I agree that having a Swiss army lead pencil REAL back up and knowing your stuff, but cross checking is not a bad idea either. As for keeping records for shifts/expenses/mileage/and menstrual cycles there is a ton of selections on palmware. cheers
  3. Or education in regards to poor spelling..... :oops:
  4. Yes Spock you bring up a very good point, the introduction of tecknology vs addressing the real issue, practice and ongoing cometency in ETT. Why are we not addressing the issue of Education as opposed to a quick fix as identified by AHF ?
  5. In septic shock low b/p is a late sign and rather ominus as well, don't think were headed down that road just yet ..... I hope. :shock: But if he keeps asking the same question over and over ...he just may sustain a new head injury, not coup contra coup... but BLUNT TRAUMA from my 3 cell.... j/k.
  6. Ah the old neuro-cryptosporidium senario...that's the 2nd time I fell for that one ! argh I hate when that happens ! So any nystigmus present ? Seeing as were headed towards an assessment of Cranial Nerves next.
  7. Any fanged vipers around or is this patient a collector of armpit-less slithery things ? I think I see where ERdoc is going with this...Septic arthritis perhaps or DVT that is kicking of micro emboli ... or worse....... but no signs of SOB or Dyspnea, is that correct ? cheers
  8. [align=center:c9271bdd07]UNITED STATES NEWS[/align:c9271bdd07] ** New York, NY - Cheney hunts down pheasants with ambulance in tow That time of the year folks, Cheney is armed and on the loose hunting lawyers again. I have heard the bag limit is 2 this year if you got into the early draw. [align=center:c9271bdd07]*** NOT RUETERS ***[/align:c9271bdd07] [align=center:c9271bdd07]Medics issued Body Armour , that is all.[/align:c9271bdd07] cheers
  9. Yea what happened to the original Senario anywhoo? brother dust : its a childhood thang, farts are always funny ... its preceeds the odors, your eating camel again arn't you...whew :shock: ER doc: we are still awaiting Freaknuggetz_chick vitals, I think a GCS of 16 would be something to assume from the get go......
  10. Doczilla AH Hepastarch, spelling makes all the difference ! thanks. I have used Span in the field/aircraft, anicdotally: great stuff, Then again I have never even looked at the cost it is carried in the majority of Air Ambulances here or we can pick it up in some rural facilities. I so wish that I could get a few litres for my remote deployments....WAY lighter to pack about but medical directors in Industry are a bit hesitant. Why because most are GPs.. I too have been a walking donor on just one occassion in a very remote spot, pre AIDS. It can suck to be the Medic and O neg at times....I was one really sleepy MoFo after that deal, the outcome was worth it although. Have heard that the Brits have shelved the Polyheme but really don't know the reasoning behind this move, too bad really. Here's wishing successful trials to the Bioheme. Erythropoietin : interesting for the JWs in the crowd but is this not too little to late in most cases and not even a consideration in an acute hypovolemic state ? Thing is, this is a derivative of blood .... I don't understand this thinking by the JWs ... but, I have watched a few succumb sadly due to their beliefs..... cheers
  11. A late night edit, check again my clear haired friend ..... I am watching a local TV newscast, ENFORM has made prepared a excellent public information release, the getting to work on the extremely busy ROADs THE MOST DANGEROUS PART OF THE JOB ! They have focused on those that have become Para's and Quads, as their spokes persons possibly because the dead workers don't talk much :shock: Travelling up to Ft. McMoney on my last trip, it was like playing road warrier with rig trucks, welders trucks and semi's passing me on a one lane highway when I was travelling @ 110 km, they made ME look like I was going backwards. cheers
  12. Greetings there yea big stud, I am a 19 year old Hottie and a local single, and I luv FF/EMTs Does that mean your Bi ??? So do you work in the Big City of Edmonton? Maybe give me a call sometime...... spenac keep your mouth shut!
  13. Primary Care: I posted this on another site, but thought I might as well throw it in EMT city too: Primary Care: Is not routinely taught in the EMS system at any level, here in Alberta: To either EMR, EMT or Paramedic this is a very serious concern to me as many Practitioners take it upon themselves to use "Old Wives Tales" and not accepted medical practice for: The routine Band-Aids and cough due to cold is the run of the mill stuff in the fall season. I DON'T push any shotgun approach cold remedies as they help for symptomatic relief; they tack on 4 to 5 days of misery. I do push the Cold FX though , and Zinc lozenges (that have been proven in evidence medical research ps the Zinc tastes awful, and Buckle's is a patented trade slogan) I push.... mucolytics like guaifenesin trying to stay away from OTCs that contain pseudoephedrines or phenoylephedrine. Frankly we are conditioned and marketed these componds up the ying yang and they just relieve temporary symptoms. The Rational being that the pseudoephedrines or phenoylephedrine are alpha constrictors decreasing mucus flow and therefore working against the body’s normal physiology, drying secretions and therefore predisposing to risk of secondary bacterial infections. Best actually LOOK in that throat, ears and take a temp to be sure your not looking at something more serious like Influenza or Strep.... temp being a good indicator between viral (low grade) and Bacterial (Hi grade) fevers. GI UPSET: No such thing as a "stomach flu" either, something like 80 % of GI complains are food related or poor hand washing! I love the guy in a Camp that c/os of FOOD POISION when he’s the only one eating in a camp..... But if you get 16 with the same complaints... look to the kitchen. I personally don't hand out Imodium or Gravol on a whim....re: sedative side effects of drowsiness put a guy back to work sedated and your opening up a can of liability worms. Pepto Bismal is a great alternative here, but cautions that stool will turn black.....No buddy you’re not bleeding! REPORTING: The big deal is the reporting deal, make certain that the visitor reports to the supervisor, in Alberta the onus is on the patient NOT the medical staff, lots of FOIP stuff beyond the OH + S regulations to be certain. If c/o of possible STDs...Flip em to town I say, no way one can treat or do accurate DX without lab work. SERIOUS INJURIES: Yes they do happen despite the Safety measures that a literally pounded and repeated over and over...sometimes I believe that this could be a problem in itself "the Brain gets turned off" I have had fractured Spines, Head injuries and lots of Digit concerns...i.e. degloving injuries as well, don’t drop your guard cause shyt does happen when you least expect it...really really. FEET/ Blisters +++ LOOK AT THE BOOTS! MEDICAL: Now this with the increasing age of the "Maturing" Workers is really a second thought these days, and should be first! The regulations for OH + S simply DO NOT address this situation AT ALL. I can tell you with many Workers (after being on many remote sites) that they will approach you with the multiple "MEDS" they are on....they don’t disclose this when asked to put it on paper (i.e. No Job security) but once they gain confidence that you actually have some integrity they will approach the "MEDIC" typically over supper or "just stopping by" to shoot the breeze, DO your homework, use the internet to really investigate THEIR concerns, print out information and give them options ..... If you do you WILL become part of the Team, Trusted and Respected and this is NOT easy being a regulated entity and a must have on Site. Questions, Comments, Debate ? ps and in closing "Stats Canada" suggests that about 25 % of the population is on anti depressant medications...so when you get the Medical forms back and no one is on anything.....THINK AGAIN ! cheers
  14. Ummmm .... This is a First ..... I got nothing .... well accept for more coffee on my screen ! cheers
  15. Now that I have washed the coffee off my screen (that was projected via nose I may add) and my eyes have stopped leaking tears, brother dust, that phrase is so old I get it! [align=center:15e2e2c57a] [/align:15e2e2c57a] I must add my greeting to EMSPROFESSIONAL, Welcome aboard Just a passing comment that if we were all like minded clones then there would be no exchange of viable ideas and this community welcomes those that think outside the box. ps Yea and Thanks to spenac and brentoli my covert actions have been thwarted.... rats foiled again ! :twisted: cheers
  16. Funny thing I got NO CODE tattooed on my sternum..... cause if they can't find me boot then RIP. Ok seriously ... are the medical types "over there" using any artificial blood products or volume expanders like pentaspan or hemo....whatever just can't recall what 'yalls' call it. I was a member of a USAR team but this topic never came up as we were NOT suposed to become injured or put ourselves in a unsafe spot. cheers
  17. To quote some famous dood: So Is 11 bucks an hour enought ? .... ok a bit of literary licence. cheers
  18. Ok Ok: I got a great question once... So just how much Valium does it take to get a jaw open in ............. Asystole ? cheers
  19. DANG IT YALL. I paid off the judge, Hit on Brent, and I am still splitting my sides over: age/sex/race/location/status/presidency/geekiness/ect... LMFAO! I am not a GEEK I just like stuff is all ..... sniff sniff. cheers
  20. Sleep in when I can like past 06:00 hrs, whoo hoo! Thing is when I close my eyes I see all those Clowns ? Bushy are yours doing cartwheels too.....or is that just the paint fumes? cheers I think.
  21. ARGH MYTH BUSTED! Were you a Lawyer before you became a Judge ..... Your Honour? psssst I will slip you a $20.00 if you keep your mouth shut...... Dispatch believe everything the hear...lol
  22. AK ? aka the Grim Reaper? Well now that we are playing Doctor (and buddy) is in Hospital by now I would hope ? Perhaps fire up tht CT scanner looking for sub dural, sub arachnoid (slower onset in most cases) or AV malformation, but lets hope that patient is just concussed from a coup / contra coup injury. The repeatitive nature of his questions may indicate concussion vs a post ictal state. I dunno, but no sheet just yet :shock:
  23. Well, I guess its time I introduced myself, I am a very shy, and quiet 19 year old girl, just looking for someone nice to meet on line that is a first aider. ps my friends call me a hottie.....whats that mean? cheers
  24. oops sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent and very happy to report the twitching has stopped now. Erdoc .... any links to the Sleeping Bat Position ? j/k It also does amaze me why the real evidence based medicine only touches we in EMS when we are delivering ACLS ? I just don't understand this.
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