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Posts posted by madmedic8522

  1. we have a frequent flier in our district that actually dislocates her own hip. she was involved in a mvc years ago, and has endured multiple replacement surgeries over the years. we have all run on her, and after about 3 months of the SAME address, as well as updating each other at morning coffee about her, we came to realize that we had a new seeker among us, this was 2 or so years ago.

    the last time i picked her up she stated, at 3am, that she had fallen in the bath tub and her head hurt as well as the dislocated hip, of course she was fully dressed/ dry/ and waiting by the front door. upon my assessment i made the statement that nothing was notably wrong with her head, before i could finish she stated that now her back was hurting, and wanted to be transported. we then back boarded her, and transported. on the way in, approx 40 min transport, she stated that the board was painful, i then explained that i would have transported her without the back pain complaint, and she was a little discussed with herself that she ever said that to me. anyways we found out at that hospital alone she has racked up 5.5 pages of er admits in the last 3 years for similar complaints. BTW this isn't the only hospital she goes to, we usually play the "guess what hospital today" game with her, it's a choice of 5. the nurses ask for initials on the phone, and know her when they get them.

    she isn't the only one we have, just the best example of wasting medical resources for the other tax payers in my district.


  2. PRPG, i would guess, and only a guess that there may have been some extensive ETOH abuse, even at the ripe old age of 21. i have always been taught that anytime you introduce an instrument to a body that there is a certain level of trauma involved, and of course one can run the risk of.....I'll just say "over traumatizing" for lack of a better description. It's just one of those things that "could" happen, and that we try our damnedest to avoid it.

    just my thoughts so far!


  3. my thought exactly chbare, even if you did knock out the hypoxic drive while waiting for the two paragods to get there, you should have been able to help that situation as well. good job always give your pt o2!!


  4. you all thought you were on top, but i guess you didn't see me up here on the tier above you, funny that puts me on top!!!



  5. AS far as your family becoming sick or injured in and area where I work or previousley worked I have since transfered.....whatever, but rest assured they will recieve competent treatment and care consistent with their injuries. As far as the medics I worked with rolling up on your familys injury or sickness? If you were there you should probably grab a chair a notebook and pen and prepared to be schooled in the finer art of para-medicine. These are not paramedics that went to school for 3 or 4 months on tuesdays and thursdays did a few clinical hours and claim to know everything. Most of them Went to a hospital based program we have close by that is or used to be(that has now changed for the benefit of pumping out more medics for the almighty buck). Full time 9 to 5 every day for over a year, thats over 2000 classroom hours, close to 2000 clinical hours in a hospital setting , thats before they even stepping foot in the back of an ambulance. So I would rest assured that their care would not resemble anything close to some reatrd that went to medic school cause he had tuesday and thursdays form 6-10 free and had a check for 5,000usd in his hand. And by the way when I have a question about somthing and I do have many at times those are the people I go to for the answer.

    whit, remember this? you can find it on page 4 of this forum, and your right this isn't the correct place to have this conversation. I'm quite sure that there are others that would like to use this forum to learn.

    if you would slow down and/or read what I said about PCPs then maybe do a little research as i asked you to do, instead of reading what you wanted to, we might have been able to avoid this "second round", as far as the "BROTHER" comment, you'll just never get it.

    my apologies to all who are trying to learn, for MY interruption!!


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