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Posts posted by 3Canz

  1. I think what separates the world faiths is that...ok everyone believes in a God...that there is a higher power out there and everyone seems to agree on that, thus if they took Jesus Christ out of the picture there would probably be a world piece.

    So what separates all the faiths in this world is the fact that there are many who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God...and that is why there is so many religious wars going on. Civil and world and it will never end until the end of time.

    Sorry Angel, but I have to disagree with that. Not all religions believe in a God, some don't believe in God at all and others believe in many gods. It's a little more complex than simply believing in Jesus and not believing in Jesus.

  2. Different Types of Evolutionists ::

    Naturalistic evolutionists - Universe originated 15 billion years ago; the earth came long around 5 billion years ago and life began probably as bacteria and has evolved ever since. The process of evolution has been driven by purely natural forces, without input from a God or a higher power.

    Theistic evolution: Close to naturalistic evolution, except that God used evolution as a tool to guide the development of the different species.

    Different Types of Creationists ::

    Creationists #1 - Do not believe in the theory of universal common descnt. Humanity was created by God in one act of creation.

    Creation Biologists - Believe God created many different forms of life and that evolution has subsequently occured.

    Creationists #3 - Reject all forms of evolution; God created all organisms so the DNA code could be used universally. Also believe each species was individually created.

    Big Bang Theory - The earth and other planets coalesced out of stellar material many billions of years ago. A few billion years in the past, the first elementary forms of life appeared; these evolved into the multiplicity of species that we see today, including humanity.

    Basic Beliefs of some World Religions ::

    Buddhists - Creation occurs repeatedly throughout time.

    Christianity & Judiasm - Many different beliefs.

    Hindu - Pursa is a man and his body is the entire universe - or - in the Vadas, it is said that creation is from the breath of the God Vishnu's breath.

    Islam - Some believe in theistic evolution; others don't believe in evolution at all.

    Jainism - No creator at all.

    Ancient Pagan religions - A Goddess created heaven and earth

    China - Creation began with a cosmic egg

    Ifa - heaven and earth used to exist without humans; a 'God' created himself, then created human beings.

    And the list goes on and on......

    (This is not a religious debate on modern religions, but more what world religions and those with certain faiths have accepted as a creation story. There are many other aspects of a religion (ie: death, going to heaven, reincarnation, daily living). For the sake of everyone here, let's focus on where the world came from, not how members of religions behave now in society :lol:

  3. For me it would depend on the person if its a chronic thing then i would call the sherrif if it was a one time deal and a friend i make take the first couple of hours to see really how bad it was.

    But im dont really know im new to this thing called "life"

    What does it matter if it is chronic or not? One time is enough to kill someone because of impaired judgement either while driving or working. And yes, even though this person hadn't been drinking for a whole 5 hours, the are impaired...

  4. I don't think this issue is really about the PE, but more about the quality of care she received while in the facility leading up to it.

    I think it is a piss-poor attitude of any so-called health care worker so assume that a pt's condition today is going to turn out the exact same as the ones before. How many frequent flyers does our EMS system treat each day...A lot...Too Many...There are too many people abusing the system just like everything else...but still....don't work in it if you can't deal with it...

    Maybe she was attention-seeking in the past. Who wouldn't want attention living a life like she lived. It's not her fault that she was born to a mother like that. She was only 17 years old...Many, many people in this country have the same problems this girl had or even worse and with rehabilitation go on to lead normal, successful lives.

    Now if this patient was for example 35 years old, it might be a different story. I don't think we should give up on anyone who is 17 and deserves a chance at life. If the people working in that facility don't feel the same way, they shouldn't be there if they can't go their jobs with integrity, professionalism and a little bit of concern for the people in their care.

    Basically, if there had been documented excellent care given to her before the PE, I doubt her death would be an issue. But after what sounds like she was ignored for a long time leading up to this and the simple fact that a nurse waited an entire 6 min. to call 911, makes me think this facility and it's workers need to be investigated fully.

  5. Well I haven't had the 'pleasure' of being in the chat room with this person yet, but let's put it this way...

    There are a lot of fun, loving, intelligent, compassionate people who visit the chat room regularly...There are a lot of people who know each other in 'real life' and who talk on the phone, etc...The regular group in the chat room has a pretty low tolerance for drama queens, creeps, whiners, liers, attention seekers, etc....Probably a lower tolerance for those who come chat just looking for trouble...

    So, if you fall into any of these categories, find a different chat room.

  6. -Is it crazy to think that I could be an EMT-B and even progress on to an EMT-P at the age of 33?

    I am 27 and decided to start school this month. Yes, I thought I was crazy. I had a good paying business, but was completely burnt out so I finally decided to do it. My family still thinks I am crazy, but I don't care.

    -Has anyone ever heard of other women my age starting this career?

    Yes, me LOL

    -Is there any gender/age bias in the field (or in school) that I should prepare myself for? Off the record of course.

    I haven't seen any so far really, but who knows.

    -The first chapter in my textbook states that I "should be able to lift and carry up to 125 pounds". I can do 80 so far, will that be a problem for me in school? I wont have my ride along until mid July. Im sure I can get there by then.

    I would think that unless you have another physical problem (bad back, etc) that the 125 will be possible. You'll go over it in class so you'll know if you can do it.

    -My school only does one 10-12 hour ride along at the end of the program. When you were a student did you feel that was enough in the field time? Do people ever get more time if they volunteer for it?

    For my school, we do 3 rides, each 12 hours long...I asked if you can do more and they said 'no'. I would check with your instructor to see if they will let you do more. I'm sure if you really needed the exposure, they'd be happy to help.-

    What is the harsh reality of actually finding employment (at any rate of pay), as a fresh EMT-B grad?

    I will be waiting to see....I did several ride alongs before I started school and one EMT got hired right out of school, but many others can wait up to 2 years around here.

    -Is there anyone else who has ever gone through my similar situation and is in California?

    -How many of you went to a trade school (or vocational school) versus a junior college or university?

    My class is at a community college. My local EMS puts on the classes, but I wanted the college credit and also they were doing a faster class and I didn't want to take all summer getting done with it.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

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