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Posts posted by Scaramedic

  1. Remember we are all EMT's first. We should thus be giving the BLS treatment first.

    Actually we should be using an education based differential diagnosis first.

    The one thing that medic school has taught me is how to be a better EMT-B first. While the additional skills help me take better care of a patient, we should all start with our basic skills.

    It's not about 'skills' a monkey can start an IV but he cannot understand why he started the IV. How many times have I had to say that on this forum so far?

    I have ridden on some PP trucks and I see a different attitude. There seems to always be the one to be more assertive on every scene.

    P/P units are kind of like lesbian couples. There is always the butch and then there is her bitch.

    PB trucks are more role oriented. In our town, the B takes some vitals, takes care of transport (getting them to the truck), helps get history from the family/by-standers, and is not afraid to jump in and start working the ABC's on really bad calls.


  2. I have to ask a question. Who does get along with Fire. I haven't worked in a city that Fire and PD don't hate each other. I have had some decent relationships with some FF's but for the most part I can't stand a lot of them. So the average relationships break down like this.

    PD hates Fire.

    EMS hate Fire.

    PD & EMS have a great relationship.

    So who is really at fault for this lack of Brotherhood?

  3. I have told this story before but I can't find it so I will tell it again.

    We were dispatched to a non-emergency transport from the hospital to a private home for a DNR patient. My partner is taking the patient so she stops at the desk to do her run sheet and I head down to the patients room. I walk into the room and check vitals. The patients respiratory rate was four. I go back to the Nurses station and tell the Nurse this patient is on his way out and does she want us to transport.

    She gives me the we need the room please try and get him home for the family crap. So we package him up get out to the truck, make it about a half a mile and he goes into respiratory arrest of course quickly followed by cardiac arrest. Now the state this happened in has the same law mentioned above, ambulances are not allowed to transport corpses. So I pull over and call dispatch. After a flurry of phone calls dispatch comes up with the bright idea to take him back to the floor.

    Back to the hospital, through the lobby and up the elevator with a dead guy. We get on the floor and the Nurse says she messed up and the patient needs to go to the ED to be pronounced. Now this is a University hospital so the ER is clear on the other side of the campus. Once again down the elevator, through the lobby back into the unit with a dead guy. Off to the ER, 1/2 a mile later we arrive at the ER. Pull out our dead guy and roll into the ER. The Doc agrees this guy is dead, but says we now have to take him to the morgue.

    The morgue is back on the other side of the campus, where we just were. This time we decide to just take the maze of hallways to the other part of the campus. Roll our dead guy into the elevator for what the fifth time? Down to the basement to the "morgue." Just for the record this is not the type of morgue you see on CSI.

    It is basically just a big locked walk in reefer. Oh and the ED Doc didn't bother to tell anyone we were on our way. So no one is there to unlock the morgue. So another call to dispatch, and we get word someone should be there in ten minutes. Ten turns to thirty before a nice Forensic assistant shows up. She takes one look at our dead guy and says he's not in a bag, he needs to be in a bag. Off she goes to get a body bag, about five minutes later she's back.

    Two things of interest here. Number one is our patient had Hepatitis C, and we are now about an hour and a half since he died. He has turned the most disgusting color of yellow you can imagine. Number two is these body bags have shrouds you have to wrap the patient in and then place them in the bag. Oh joy! So we wrap the guy in the shroud place him in the bag and put him on the tray in the reefer.

    Total time somewhere around two hours with a dead guy. We actually got so bored waiting for the Forensic assistant in a lonely creepy hallway we started talking to our patient. PD had to go the patients home and tell the family, who was waiting for him that he never made it out of the hospital. They never knew about the fun trip around the hospital there loved one took after he died.

    All in all, a really crappy run. :?

  4. I personally feel that since Paramedic is quickly becoming a Degreed program that we should join the other degreed programs when it comes to pre-reqs. Maybe it's time to quit having set pre-reqs for each program. A universal set of pre-reqs for Healthcare Professional could be in order. That way RN, RT, EMT-P, Ultrasound, etc could all come from the same background and have the same basic knowledge. Math, A&P, Chemistry, English, etc. Only after you finish these then you can move onto your program.

    Or maybe I am just rambling because I have strep and feel like I am dying. :roll:

  5. A couple of questions, first off to praying4bonnie&scottl if you are a close and personal family friend why are all your posts about their condition from the newspaper?

    Second, something I've been holding back to see if anyone else caught it.

    Millar has a head injury and fractures to his lower back and neck, Florida said.

    Now why would he have inuries like that? I see no penetration or intrusion on the driver's side. So how could the driver have been so seriously injured? Anyone? Bueller?

  6. Touchy feely Kumbaya crap. I don't give a flying f*ck if I like the people I work with.. I do care how they treat patients and how competent they are. A company like this is going to hire someone who might be friendly but will kill patients with absolute incompetency. Give me an asshole any day that cares for their patients over someone the mechanic thinks is cool because he has a tribal tat. :roll:

  7. I seem to recall the mentions on the "Squmpers" was, from most of the postings, mostly negative.

    Now, if I could find the concept drawings of the combined Ambulance/Engine Company/Utility Boom Arm/Garbage Collection/Law Enforcement Armored Personnel Carrier vehicle that someone sent me, and post it...


    Your half way there! :lol:

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