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Everything posted by Mediclcems

  1. This show is a mistake that never should have been thought up.... When Third Watch came out, my husband suddenly thought he knew what my job entailed....was he ever wrong.... This is not tv, this is real s**t, where you can't shock the asystole.....All we need is another show about what others think our job is....
  2. In Fla where I work the trauma docs do have lights. Lights on a Viper! Who'd of thunk it. Anyway. I have overheard many times when we pull in "if I just had 2 more minutes" from the doc. Can't say I agree that they should have lights, but it may make a difference to someone, someday. As for the docs staying at the hospital. We have a level 2 trauma center and not enough docs to staff 24/7. Not enough money to staff 24/7. Guess you can only do your best with what you have.
  3. Who'd of thunk I had something in common with SpongeBob!
  4. That was too freakin funny itk!!!! keep'em comin'. No pup intended. ML
  5. Rural sounds great to me right now. I work for a very busy county EMS in Fla, and we have already had 16,000 calls this year county wide. We have been running non-stop 24-7!!!! It keeps your skills sharp,but makes you very tired. :flower:
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