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Posts posted by Mediclcems

  1. Good morning!

    I havent stirred the pot here in awhile. Time to give it a try.

    What is an acceptable scene time? What is the boundary between acceptable and too long?

    Can you even define too long? Can there even be a definable amount of time?

    I've always thought 25 minutes was the longest time, outside of special circumstances.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Acceptable scene time varies for each patient.... Some take less time to assess that others. Severity of condition and time to hospital should also be considered. If the hospital is 2 minutes away, it would take me longer to put on the CPAP than to get to the hospital where respiratory is waiting for us...unless the patient needs a tube NOW, I'd be hauling butt. I have partners who load and go and partners who stay and play. Guess everyone has a differing opinion.

  2. The battle for us is to ensure quality care. That's it. The battle is against laziness, passive aggressiveness and general disdain. The battle is against those who won't take responsibility for their actions. And lastly, we're not medical directors who write a protocol and delegate the running of the system and disappear. We are out on the streets more than some of our slower units. We do live fire training with the guys. We respond to all MCI's. We take call 24 hours a day all day. We get in the dirt and water. I don't think anyone would say we don't have experience.

    Can you please come to Florida and run our department??????

  3. Everyone makes a good point. I have elderly patients who tell me they don't have enough money for food and meds, so they have to choose which is more important. Then I have welfare recepients who have more gold jewlery and a nicer car than i do handing me a medicaid card demanding transport by ambulance for a cough because they think they will get seen faster. (I love taking them to triage) That's what makes me mad. The goverment treats our elderly and vets like crap but give the illegals and welfare cases everything. I'm sorry they can't keep their legs closed and have 10 kids. Can you say manditory sterilization!

  4. Ok I'm ready to get beat up Dust and Rid.....I disagree with your on scene time.....Time is muscle and all that......We can sit on scene all day and try to figure out what is wrong with a patient, but when it comes down to it, the patient needs a hospital with a physician.....Not a medic who wants to try to diagnose without the equipment to do it...ie CT, MRI, Cath Lab.....

    Get an airway....get an IV.....get a 12 lead....and BGL(if needed)...and DRIVE.....(12 lead and BGL can be done in route) Take a ff rider along if needed......I don't want anyone treating my mother who will sit on scene for 30 minutes when she's having an MI......And how long did you say it took to get to the hospital??????

    But I'm just a pathetic EMT-B with no knowledge....but I do have common sense

    Let the beatings begin :)

  5. Av-

    I am also in EMS and my husband is not to fond of my job either. He hates the hours we have to work, we are on 24s. He doesn't like that I sleep in the same room with as many as 10 other men (who belch and fart and snore all night, what a turn on). And he's jealous of some of my co-workers. I have tried to have discussions with him about all of these things but he WON"T LISTEN. Listen to your wife. Try to get to know some of the people she works with and watch them interact and join in. See if her department has a ride along program and go with her one day to see what she does. I have tried to draw my man into the fold but he resists and refuses to even try. He doesn't support me one iota. And that is what is tearing us apart. I turn to my co-workers for emotional support I should get at home. IF your marriage was strong and healthly before EMS, it can be strong and healthly and survive EMS. Communication is always best...silence can kill.

    Contact me if you want to chat more.

    Good luck sweets.

  6. Hey Fire...it's ok to be mad/sad/frustrated. That's one of the side effects of EMS. Calls with kids that are hurt or dead are the worst. That is a call you will never forget, but you will get over...promise...Her pathetic parent gets to live with the fact that she murdered her child.

    I'd love to tell you that you'll never have a call like that again, but we both know that you will someday. Maybe a worse one. And that's going to take over the slot of 'worst call I've ever had'. I remember calls from 4-5 years ago because they just stick in my head. I like to think those calls have made me a better medic and person. Not to get all religious on you, but God will never give you more than you can handle.

    Stay strong, stay safe.

  7. Because of a combination of the "cool" factor and the abysmally low entry standards, a huge percentage of the newcomers this so-called "profession" draws are complete losers. The professionals try hard to run off the losers who are screwing up the profession.

    Totally agree with you Dust. Education requirements have been lowered because there isn't anyone who wants to work for EMS. Everyone in my department is going to the fire side for the $$$. We have lost about half of our good paramedics and more are leaving after contract negotiations if they don't go well. Me, being the EMT, is now stuck with brand new, green, pimple faced paramedics who have never seen the outside of a classroom. They may have more training/education than me, but that doesn't mean they always know what they are doing. I've had several new partners who love to treat the monitor without even checking the patient. When I ask questions as to why they performed a certain procedure I get the paragod answer of I'm in charge and you're just an EMT so go clean the truck. I've been in emergency/urgent care for almost 10 years, I don't take that crap from newbies with no experience. I've ticked off a few new paragods by writing them up...

    This is why we eat our young....they are too stupid/young/egotistical to listen to advise/constructive critisism from those of us that do have common sense and experience.

  8. EASY BUTTON......umm

    I would perfer a ANTI-STUPID PEOPLE BUTTON :!: :!: :!: ....or YOU JUST GOT ON MY LAST NERVE BUTTON. :!: :!: :!: :!: .....ZAP YOU ARE GONE....... :lol:

    I'm with you Itk!!!!! I'm thinking easy button for intubation of difficult anterior, way anterior vomit filled airway.

  9. Who knew! I'm not sure I'd like to see Ak in a crotch-o tard either....But I would like to see him out of it! :twisted:

    Your 2005 Song Is


    <a href="http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=CkIfgYlVpZA&offerid=99176.467947986&type=10&subid=">Don't Cha</a> by the Pussycat Dolls

    "Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me

    Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me"

    What happens in 2005, stays in 2005!

    What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?


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