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Posts posted by akroeze

  1. OK, and here is one for EMT CITY POSTERS -- sorry if i step on someone's toes here. If you are the first to respond to someones question or post, there is no need to copy and paste that question or post into your response. It's right there above your post, we can see it. And if we dont need to copy and paste it twice, we surely dont need to copy and paste 6 or 7 times. If you must cut and paste, can you please just copy and paste the name of the poster, or maybe the first line of their question, instead of the entire 200+ word rant ?

    Sorry crotchity but it is established internet etiquette to quote someone's post if you are responding to them. This allows someone who is skimming through a thread to easily see what the poster is talking about. If I didn't quote you here and someone was quickly skimming and decided to stop at my post they would be lost were it not for the quote. Hence why it is customary.

  2. Cheapest flight I can find is AirTran for $180 round-trip, 8.5 hour flight with the layover in Atlanta. Not that it's not stellar, but can anyone find a cheaper roundtrip from LAX to Dayton, OH?

    How cheap do you think I can get a room? I'll go the ghetto man . . . I'll sleep in a barn. Heck, I'll call 911 and sleep in the ER lobby... :D

    But really...$200 I might be able to pull, but with room and meals and taxi to the event, I don't know . . . .

    Anyone have frequent flyer miles to give away . . . ? :):)

    Anthony, if you get yourself there I'm sure there will be enough of us around that you don't need to take a taxi. I know I'll have my car there.

    Perhaps we should all co-ordinate and at the very least get rooms at the same place (for the reasons Dust mentioned and for carpooling reasons)

  3. Ok, well I have submitted registration for BOTH days!

    I can't pass up the chance to get this kind of hands on training.... and to meet you lot on top of it.

    We're definitely going to have to plan a get together. Doc, any chance you could look into a restaurant for the group of us? If not maybe someone else would be willing to take it on. Lets get some numbers so we can make a reservation.

    (P.S. I'm anaphylactic to peanuts so not one of those places with peanuts all over the floor)

    [edit]Bring your own stethescope too I presume?[/edit]

  4. So I went in and talked to the medical director today. He flat out told me that the problem was NOT with me.. I got caught in the crossfire. He told me that he had attempted to get my superiors to do the correct thing with me and was being ignored. He says he was stressed out and he lost it. My immediate supervisor says that no matter what happens, he will give me glowing letters of recommendation and commendation. This is a tough, insular little redneck town and I am not ready to let them run me out. I ran on patients today (am on a 24) and was complimented by patient's family. My partner says the jerks can't handle the fact that I am from somewhere else and am better educated then they are. My immediate supervisor says the only thing they got to crab about is my lack of field experience and I am rectifying that every day. Thank you so much for your support. I am hanging in there until they all eat their words..... then I will leave... :twisted:

    PS.. while I was in the medical director's office my EMT partner was talking to the unit clerk. In barely concealed glee she stated that "I bet her cert is being pulled cause they weren't happy with her yesterday." When I confronted the UC about it she played dumb. such assholes....

    PPS - my partner says these people are famous for running outsiders out of town and out of the job. She says it wasnt the smartest pick for the first place to work. Guess what - this gal wont be run out by anyone.. so thanks again for listening.

    Why put yourself through that hell though? Pride?

  5. I absolutely LOVE Dr. Walls book. It has changed the way I look at airway management. I have just about finished reading it straight through. Once I have done that there are a number of chapters I have in my mind that I want to review again to make sure I have the concepts. For anyone who has intubation as part of their toolkit be it standard, awake intubation or RSI or any combination you owe it to your patients to read this book.

  6. Even if the onset is identical I would suggest that IN would be preferable due to safety concerns.

    Although I don't have the numbers in front of me I would assume (dangerous, I know) that IN would be quicker due to increased vascularity of the area so more surface area for the drug to absorb through.

  7. You could say that IO is an affront to medic's ability to start IVs if you want to twist things that way too.

    One should never complain about having another option available. Personally I would rather give Midazolam IN to that seizing pt than risk sticking myself with a contaminated needle to get the IV.

    Those who don't want to use it won't be forced to.

  8. I'm not doubting you on this, but that's the problem with anecdotal.

    I just pulled up circuit city vs futureshop on the same model 32" Samsung LCD

    Circuit City (US) $849

    Futureshop (Can) $699

    (these are both without any of the random reductions in their mark-up)

    Looked over at DVD's and they seem about the same. For example "Tinkerbell" is $29.99 in both placed for the movie that will delight your kids and drive you nuts as they watch it again and again...

    Anyways, I digress. I'll have to do some more checking into this stuff. Don't know why it interests me so much at the moment.

    Long story short, some of us are lucky and get a living wage from EMS. Others not so much. Hopefully we as a profession can one day help pull these guys up so no medic's making $10 bucks an hour.

    Electronics are a bad comparison.... they have always been traditionally cheaper in Canada than the states.

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