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Ridryder 911

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Posts posted by Ridryder 911

  1. Asysin2leads, you have already read my response in there. I would love to be the families attorney that the medic shot... "not in line of duty, not properly trained, unlicensed concealed weapon.. Like I said, the D.A. tole me, chances of charges & prosecution would be likely....

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  2. It is not the amount of time.. it is the amount learned. Medical school could be taught in less than 2 yrs too.. would we want that ? Again, it is not the time, but the content that is taught.. sure you can perform your job.. but, how well & how in-depth. The point that most of us are try to coven is that the standards also need to be changed to make it more in-depth. The current standards are way below what is needed to perform emergency medical care adequately.

    More clinical rotations along with associated bio-science is essential to perform clinical judgement. Whenever clinical time can be counted in hrs... then it is too short of time. Let us try months or years..

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  3. KEDs are useless anyway, better off without them.

    So what do you use on cervical, mid thoracic spine pain ..? short spine boards ?.. ( which I doubt most have ever seen) another brand similar to KED...or nothing.. let me guess you pull them onto a LSB..

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  4. I don't have an advanced degree in EMS, but my training and how well I work is proof positive of how well I do my job. Pt don't care about advanced degrees, they care that you are going to save their life, or the lives of their loved ones.

    Well unfortunately you said it.. trained.. I am not trained.. I am educated, & yes there is a difference. I am not a blue collar employee, that has to be trained & not to "think or do scientific studies" outside the normal realms.

    Far as patients don't care.. why do you think physicians hang their sheepskins in their office ...? Yes, patients care.. unfortunately, a lot assume we do not have a college education, because of the current "trained" persona EMS currently has..

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  5. Actually, AZCEP I just attended a "roll-out" for ACLS instructors. AHA wants to emphasize...looking up med dosages is recommended. They now feel having references will defer from med errors. and following algorithm more accurately.

    I agree this is a harsh difference form the "old days" of having to know the material... it is a shame we have allowed standards to become so watered down...

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  6. For those who do not where or how to get involved I have linked several sites to help you become active in YOUR profession. Some of these have multiple links so look for listing of additional links. Are you aware there was an association of female Paramedics ?.......

    Take time look at them.. choose wisely, look at local & see what is happening in your own area.. good luck & Get Involved !











    Ridryder 911

  7. Whew that is tough dilemma.. I wish you the best of luck of luck on your decision. Since I never had been through any thing like this, I cannot give you a " I would do this answer"...

    I suggest that you might think of meeting him. As you get older you may have questions of heredity, health, etc.. that only they can answer. The other is you may never get a chance to ever again do this... & have the doubt of "what only if " .. this may be one the best events in your life.

    I wish you the best, in the difficult decision you make...


    Ridryder 911

  8. The same doors that are opened for other health care professionals.. look at nursing, physicians.. oh yeah, they get paid more... hmmm maybe there is a reason ? Again what other health care profession, does not require at least an associate degree for entry level ? ....

    C'mon folks .. it's time for EMS to grow up...! If you are tired of low pay, lousy benefits.. then do something about it & quit whining !.. Get actively involved in EMS reconstruction & demand more money, & benefits...but before you do... we had better have something better to offer than a class measured in clock hours....Sorry professional standards are never measure education in clock/class room hours..

    Be safe,

    Ridyder 911

  9. Actually yes, a ankle vein is better than none, apparently you have never worked around geriatric or burn patients. I have started IV's on thumb veins, chest wall, adult scalp, even penile veins.. & yes I would do that before an sternal I/O on an conscious adult.. I have started sternal on unresponsive patients or < LOC (there is a reason there nicknamed bed of nails), EJ yes, maybe.. I do know if I was in the ER & you brought a patient with a sternal I/O & there was peripheral veins, I definitely would have a discussion with your medical director or higher.

    Maybe you can understand a vein is a vein.. you try to avoid distal foot veins in diabetics secondary for circulatory purposes..D50W can be diluted down.. & pushed slower but can be administered.

    Ridryder 911

  10. Buddha, I 'll have to locate the stats & lit... I do know that they had been using nasal Versed for pre-surgical induction on ped's for years. Actually, I believe that is where we got the idea from...

    Yeah, I know the rebound thing is pain the gluteus..

    I try to find the litreture on nasal versed.. I know we had it for protocol change & review...


    Ridryder 911

  11. Again, semantics..c'mon lets grow up. Treat the patient ... not the s/s . If you are able to obtain the history of hypoglycemia.. you treat the glucose, if not treat the seizures..GEEZ.. who CARES ? It takes you a whopping 15 seconds to find out the glucose level in 30 seconds to administer 12 gms in an establish IV to stop the seizures or 45 seconds to administer Valium.. ( oh by the way for you probies.. you are NEVER supposed to push Valium in a hand vein) or 3 seconds to administer Versed nasally... tomato or tomatow... lets argue about that would change the outcome. According to Emergency Medicine ..you treat the etiology first if known. if not treat the seizures ...duh! Again, you are treating both ! This is a mute point !

    If your trying to impress me with you get your IV the first time, medics who say that usually means you have not started very many. I personally have established many EJ on seizing patients; BUT prefer not to... especially when armed with a 14g needle & a moving target. That is why I personally prefer nasal Versed..soes it mean you should ...no (in which new studies has shown has a higher break-through in seizure activity & faster or equal absorption rate than I.V.) .. also, my neuro's like it better because of the short half life. Again, a personal preference in my treatment modality.

    Again, I too feel we are beating a dead horse (by the way a good illustration Steven) Those with experience know there are different ways to practice emergency medicine . Neither wrong or more right than the other .. hell, some simultaneously. Look at the whole forest not one or two trees.....

    Ridryder 911

  12. Actually, that would be considered "frontier" vs. a rural setting. I believe we need to adress all these areas and try to develop more advanced protocols for medics as well as better communication & funding. Televideo/Telemedicine links should be looked at and be explored.

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

  13. I believe the problem with the study was the intent not so much what it revealed. Also, what was the sugeestion at the end of the conclussion.. to place more BLS units within a 4 minute response time.. yeah, that will happen. I still would like to see a formal sudy of pre-hospital care of trauma trained physcians vs. paramedics. I believe it would be very interesting, on the diagnostic value.

    I agree, trauma is a surgical disease. Needless interventions should be decreased as much as possible, however; the risk of aspiration, venous acess to infuse blood, can be treated & obtained enroute. Let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater yet.

    Even with Level 1 trauma centers there still has not been a great reduction in trauma deaths. So could we argue these are futile also ? Of course not.. but let us learn also how studies are conducted, the perimeters around, the pre-cursor why the need of a study or sponsors of a study. the number & type of patients involved, length etc...

    Just because it is a "scientific study" .. not everything should be taken literally. There are skewed studies. Just wait a few months there will be one to dispute it...then hopefully, we can decide with a rationale mind on what is best for the patient.

    Be safe,

    Ridryder 911

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