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Everything posted by jsd67

  1. What is the rank stuff about? I would have simply said that his decision was wrong and explained why. I mean, if it is a matter of life and death then why on earth would someone be afraid to say something? It is amazing that a job that requires this much responsibility at times takes only 2 months of training, or even less time in some places.
  2. Why are some people so calm, while most anyone else would be going nuts over an injury such as that.
  3. I will be taking a EMT-B course in about a year or so, apparently there is a high demand for it in my area so I figured it is time for a new and exciting career! One of my old high school friends wanted to come along as well. He is not a bad guy but ran into problems years ago with an under age girl and was convicted of second-degree sexual assault after taking a plea bargain. He did not know that the girl was underage, at least that is what he said, I am not really sure if he knew or not. I told him that taking the course would probably be no problem, but finding a job afterwards would probably be impossible. Am I right? Or could someone with something like that on their record ever find a job as an EMT? I am also a little concerned that being affiliated with someone with a record such as that could make reflect badly on me during the course or even afterwards. Is that possible ?
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