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Posts posted by mediccjh

  1. i always leave it on until i get to the hospital. why not ? its not such a big deal here. if your going to be distracted by a few lights and crash into it then you need to have your licence revoked and taken off the road cause im the one thats gonna be scrapin your butt off the road.

    So you mean to tell me that you are going to leave the lights and sirens on when taking a drunk to the hospital? Or a stubbed toe? Or the sniffles?

    Not too smart.

  2. Cut and pasted from my blog:

    I went to Vegas back in Nov 2005 for the Rescue Competition. It was only the 2nd time I went on an airplane. I was wearing a NYC*EMS Medic shirt, and on the way out there, I was sleeping (somewhat) when I heard a stewardess ask “Is there a doctor or a nurse or someone with medical training onboard?” I reached up looking for the call button, identified myself, and was brought to the back of the plane. Come to find a 28 y/o female disabled Marine, hyperventilating. Well you see, what happened was, her cane fell out of the overhead compartment and landed on her head, giving her head and neck pain. No biggie, except for the fact she was hyperventilating so much, that her arms and hands cramped up. So even after about 20 minutes of her on a non-rebreather w/o O2, she still couldn’t break it, and someone else (NOT ME!) made the decision to land. And on the descent, she went unconscious. 4 times. So we landed in Indianapolis and offloaded her. There was also an EMT on the plane who was assisting me. Either way, there was no slowing this lady's breathing down. I never talked to a doctor, and someone else made the decision to land. Not me.

    I think next time I'll just roll over.

  3. They're actually comfortable on the small of my back. No worry for back problems.

    well you see, wha happen was, we had a rollover, and I tried using the shears to break door window, using the top handle that looks like a hammer. It worked!

    P.S. The lady was bitching when we broke her car windows to let her out. What were we thinking???

  4. Actually, posting a topic stating simply "Look, its a cracker", with a picture of cracker, is really funny on a dry, deadpan, absurdist, Monty-Python type of level. I throughly enjoy that type of humor and I am guilty of practicing it at work, though most people I work with just don't get it, particularly tourists. I usually just get blank stares when I tell them in straightforward manner that the subways only run south on Tuesdays or that they will be unable to view the Empire State Building as it has been taken down for the night.

    The number thou shalt count to is three......

    I thought the Subway only ran South on Fridays....

  5. I could take a willingness to take money that does not belong to you and chalk it up to "finders keepers, but its not stealing" as a serious character flaw as well. Don't take stuff thats not yours. It worked well in kindergarten and it works well today. Next you'll tell me how taking a deceased person with no relative's jewelry is okay too, right? Leave that stuff to the firefighters.

    That reminds me, I need new jeans.

  6. Whenever I decide to stop anywhere to or from work while in uniform, and a discount is offered, I always tell the cashier that I am not on duty yet and will pay full-price. If they still give me the discount, I thank them. If they don't, I don't lose sleep over it.

    If I'm on duty and given a discount, I make sure I thank the person numerous times during the transaction.

  7. :shock: Do any of you know what would happen if I tried to buy alcohol (I'm well above age, BTW) while I had any part of my uniform showing? First of all, someone would probably have a camera, and then someone would call the complaint unit, and then I'd probably end up with my picture on the front page of the paper with some sensationalist headline that was only partially true. Ak, this goes beyond who's giving who private EKG lessons in the back of the ambulance, this is a matter of some serious offenses, if you don't want to say who it is, I am of the humble opinion that it is your duty as a public safety provider to take whatever steps necessary to make sure this behavior is alerted to the proper people. I sure hope it isn't who I'm thinking of.

    Yet the rubber duckies can march down 5th Avenue shitfaced in their dress uniforms...Gotta love FDNY

  8. Just like any other potential necrotic medication a good IV should be in place, as well I always dilute it before administering. I have seen bicarb and D50w cause problems as well. I believe Valium as well is supposed to be administer above the hand due to potential damage, (not sure if it necrotic or circulatory)

    R/r 911

    You beat me to it bro!

  9. Well, you do have to grow up eventually, put down the Guiness and work for a living. I know how scary it can be having a job but you will be fine. :lol::lol:

    You're just jealous because real men drink Guinness. And I'm gonna be nice and toasty here while you're shivering in the snow. :lol:

  10. I don't even want to hear it. Unless one of you has had the experience of literally getting out of the ambulance with the sirens blaring, walking up to the yuppie scum in front of you yakking on their cell phone and literally telling them to move out of the way, no one has traffic problems even close to mine.

    Only in New York.

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