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Posts posted by MariB

  1. Because I work in the second largest gay community in the world (atlanta), so this is an every day or at least every week occurence for me. Sorry if you cant handle the truth.

    then you should know that being transgendered, transvestite or simply you look like a guy or a gal has nothing to do with your sexual orientation

    I like in BFE Iowa and have a few people here that I want to call Pat. Not because they are gay. Transgendered or whatever, just simply because you can't tell.

  2. The respiration rate is high for a child that age at rest. Any three year old who generally acts unwell, probably is.

    Before jumping to rush to the doctor, we would need a lot more of this child's history. However, calling 911 will usually get you to the doctor pretty fast, not sure how long it will take you to be seen.

    And your bgl and temp have me off as I'm used to gifferent readings and too tired and lazy

  3. OK personal question here. Besides toradol. What is a great pain reliever that isn't a narcotic? My kid is sick of the narcs. Is there something stronger she can ask about that won't make her dopey? She's going back to finish her nursing degree in January.

  4. I'm sitting here with yet another script for norco.

    I guess it is because it is needed, but withing the last year, easily been prescribed 500 over 500 narcotic pills.

    She doesn't use them all. Actually hates them since she can't take ambulance duty. So yeah

  5. We have a lot of experience with narcs here.

    Fentenyl works great but can give the girl headaches and doesn't last long.

    Morphine and dilaudid makes her so she can't pee..

    She like phenegran

    Toradol works OK, but takes a while to kick in and only takes the edge off

    Vicodin works good, makes her sleepy

    Percoset takes all the pain away but makes her face itch

    Oxycodone good, but sleepy

  6. My daughter has been given hydro, norco, and percoset like its candy.

    I finally asked her infectious disease doc who is going to pay for her rehab. She told me people who have pain never get addicted. Here, have a few more oxy

  7. I have never done self aid on myself, but with a chronically I'll daughter I have :

    Recognized strider and went through the debate in my head if calling 911, I then chose to get her in the car and drive her to the hospital as I could get her there in 3 minutes or less. I also called ahead.

    I have recognized wheezes, crackles , rales and a plural rub . Once while she coughed blood out. Again, I just loaded and went.

    I looked at her and immediately knew what they meant by "circling the drain " and she was then sent by ALS to a larger hospital after being stabilized. She had gone into shock.

  8. What really helped me was our tests and quizzes being given in registry question type format instead of just direct questions.

    I would suggest jb learning, vue online etc.

    Now protocols and treatments have changed some in the last year and text books have not been updated to keep up with the NREMT so while the answers may be right in the book, they may actually be wrong for nremt testing.

  9. Wow. Most EMT classes are 1 semester or shorter. I did mine during summer session. I then completed the EMT-I (or now AEMT) portion in two more semesters.

    I believe mine was close to 250 hours total. It was made to become a 6 credit, transferrable college credit course. To do this they had to add a couple things to it, including lectures from an attorney, extra a&p, field trips etc.
  10. Do you not have temperature controlled sheds? We keep ours plugged in to keep a charge on everything but not to keep the units warmed up. Our garage is at 72 degrees at all times

    The first EMS system I ever worked for had gas powered ambulances (and I don't mean my partner after a dinner at Don Chilitos Mexican Restaurante), and they were the best ambulances I've ever been in. Diesel just doesn't do it.

    Has anyone ever f'd up and put gas in a diesel unit?

    no, luckily for us, each unit has a gas card that won't activate the wrong pump
  11. your little sheltered world is not the same as reality , unless you work for the empire of doom.

    MB, I know you view the world from your eyes, but I am not the same as you. I'm sure YOU wont have anything not in service, and that's fine. but I'm pretty sure that if you ask your head of Logistics or Operations Chief " Do you have anything no longer in service?" and he will say yes, take you somewhere in the back where you don't have access, scan his retina, and a door will open showing you all sorts of stuff they never threw away.

    um no, we don't keep broken and unsafe equipment. I promise. As a matter of fact I asked about an old cot we were using to take to the school I went to and was told it was long gone.

    Our head quarters is open for me to come and go as I please. There is no hidden rooms. No broken equipment laying around.

  12. If something starts to escalate I would call dispatch and have an officer brought on board. We can not restrain and have nothing for self defense.

    I am trained in Martial arts which is a benefit to me, but even that won't always help in a situation where I can be caught off guarl.

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