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Posts posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. Rid, thanks so much. I do like the idea of chemical restraint over physical, that's for sure. My guess would be it would take several months for him to recover from being physically restrained (If ever).

    The shoelace is a great idea!! I will find one tomorrow...He hates shoes but has come to realize they are a necessary evil, maybe If I can find one to match his shoes, and make the Star of Life match as well he will learn to leave it be....

    You guys never cease to amaze me. You set a standard all of us should strive to achieve...

    Thanks again.


  2. Asys, thanks for your response. It is pretty scary...But I feel better having some of the facts, at least I have some idea how to handle the fallout if he should ever be in this situation.

    The responses from providers like you, and others has really lessened the burden. I truly expected many replies of "We would have to restrain him, that sucks but life is...." But have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that his issues seem to weigh on the hearts of you all as well. That is pretty inspiring to say the least.

    As suggested by some earlier, we are trying to get him to wear a bracelet, but he is very resistant. Even attaching a tag with his pertinent info to his cloths makes him a little crazy...and he removes it. We will figure something out soon...I'm sure...

    Thank you for responding, being honest...and being the kind of provider I hope will care for my boy, and others like him.


  3. Thanks Dust....I always leave your posts with a renewed sense of purpose and energy....pretty cool...

    2 semesters of A/P is a pre-req for this Medic school degree program....Should I start on anatomy alone...or start on my A/P book?

    (Anatomy & Physiology for emergency care - Martini/Bartholomew/Bledsoe)


    (Human Anatomy - Martini/Timmons/Tallitsch)

    Or something else?

    Thanks again!


  4. In a few months I will start 2 semesters of A/P prior to going to Medic school.

    I am wondering if studying on my own prior to class is a good idea or would I be shooting myself in the foot....?

    I have some anatomy books, and an anatomy and physiology book (combined) that I bought when I started thinking about Medic school. I'm worried though that if I study anatomy that perhaps A/P are better learned together, instead of separately. Or conversely, if I study the A/P book perhaps it will not be thorough enough where anatomy is concerned.

    Is studying on my own prior to class equivalent to "money in the bank" before class, or is there a study hierarchy that I'll short circuit if I go it alone?

    Thanks all....


  5. Thank you, jw-c152.

    I appreciate your support more than you'll ever know. :D

    I think from now on, whoever I work with, wether it be a regular partner or a casual, they're gonna think I'm neurotic, because I'm gonna check, re-check and re-re-check every piece of equipment over and over and over again, all day long.

    I'm sure I'll border on obsessive-complusive, but if that's what the company wants, that's what they'll get! LOL!

    And I'll generate paperwork like they've never seen! I think I'll start with the fact that last night's crew didn't clean the toilet like they were supposed to.......I wonder how they'll manage to blame that on me??

    Have I cracked??..........ummmm, maybe!!

    I think this makes Dust's point pretty well doesn't it?


  6. I can't believe that anyone with personal experience with violent crime would ever compare a meth lab to rape or murder...

    Maybe we could debate that all day, though I hope most of us wouldn't...

    Using the ambulance....asinine! Not two ways about it. I can't imagine a better way to get ambulance personnel killed...

    Perhaps next they will dress leo as priests, or social workers....

    Getting meth off the streets...high priority....making sure someone can and will come in an emergency....the highest.....


  7. Just Me, the study groups are great, but I have found that it is certainly not a passive endeavor. If you want to form a study group, YOU need to do it. Asking "does anyone want to get together and study?" won't get it done.

    Set a time and a place and be there. In my Basic class I picked a place at least 3 times a week between the different towns so everyone had a better chance of making it. Sometimes some people came, sometimes they didn't. But I always had an objective, and was prepared to reach it.

    Some people want to come and yak...make sure you stay away from them....unless yakking is your goal....

    But in the end, it's not about them. It's about you. You can't make other people study. Get them together, be focused, get it done.....


  8. The caps are a little off putting, but there is nothing wrong with spelling mistakes, some people are dyslexic, nothing they can do! Spelling does not justify your competence.


    Gotta go with AnatomyChick on this. Unless your spell checker is dyslexic as well, it looks bad. Especially if you are a teacher.

    Sorry, it's a pet peeve.....

    Though I'm definitely with MILKMAN on scenarios. We did little to none in my basic class and it hurt. Fortunately many of us students recognized this weakness and did them in study groups, which saved the day.


  9. Near the beginning of my Basic class we were warned about DKSDIO (don't know $hit due to information overload). I wasn't very concerned as I love to study hard and was one of the best students in class. But sure enough, maybe 3/4 of the way through the class, everything I knew became one huge multicolored ball of slime in my brain. Nothing had a connection to anything else! I was hating it...all that time wasted....

    One my next test I got something like 14 out of 45. I was dying....when my instructor came up grinning...."DKSDIO....don't sweat it...."

    I didn't and in a couple of days everything lined up in my head much clearer and more logical that it had before. It seems most people hit the same wall. Try not to freak out and I think you will find you'll come out the back much better than you were going in....just keep doing what you're doing!!

    I didn't use the study guides, so I can't help you there. And my way of studying is grunt labor when alone and study groups whenever possible....

    Good luck to you!


  10. Wackie, I can't help with your issue, but I would like to make an observation.

    If your understanding of the accident, the sequence of events and your feeling about them are any indication, you will be fine!

    You explained the accident, the parts relevant to you and your feelings, and the actions of those around you and how they might have contributed.

    There are many Medics on this site that can't express their thoughts half as well. I'm impressed, for what it's worth.

    If I ever get splattered in an MVA, I hope someone with your calm logic comes to scrape me up....


  11. Wackie, sounds like you are doing well.

    If you do a search on CISD (not a dig on searching, just some really good stuff in there) you are likely to find you will be happy you missed it....

    Not for me to say how best to deal, I'll leave that for the experienced folks, they know best.....

    Good luck...


  12. Yeah, In my class....

    Uniforms and dress inspections.

    Classroom locked 2 mins before class began.

    Cell phone ringing in class = instructor drop from class. (leave them in your car)

    There was no talking in class, no distractions...great place to learn for the kids....a little overkill if you've been a professional for a while.

    Pretty hardcore but 30/30 people passed skills and NR first time through.

    All in all, seems to beat the alternatives.....


  13. I suppose the forehead would be out of the question.

    Why not just use a Sharpie on the forearm when you think you might be in a situation such as mountain biking where a necklace might get torn off? I write on my hand all the time.

    You there, stop laughing.

    lol...you crack me up....this idea does seem like a winner though......

  14. If you are looking for true "stay and play" scenarios for the basic, you had better limit it to uncomplicated extremity injuries that require splinting. There really is no other patient I can think of that a basic can justify spending any time on the scene with. If I were your instructor, I would be very pleased if you were to recognize that, and very disappointed if you didn't.

    Most seem to have missed that this "is an assignment".

    Dust seems to have your best and fastest path to an A.


  15. Nope....I'm not saying they are real....Just some are kind of funny.....There ya go.....

    For everyone who has ever had an evaluation - just remember, it could have

    been worse. These are actual quotes taken from federal government employee

    performance evaluations.

    1. "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock-bottom and has started to dig."

    2. "I would not allow this employee to breed."

    3. "This employee is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a definite won't be."

    4. "Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat ina trap."

    5. "When he opens his mouth, it seems that it is only to change feet."

    6. "This young lady has delusions of adequacy."

    7. "He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them."

    8. "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot."

    9. "This employee should go far, and the sooner he starts the better."

    10. "Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together."

    11. "A gross ignoramus - 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus."

    12. "He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier."

    13. Must have been pretty bad because it was missing from the list!

    14. "I would like to go hunting with him sometime."

    15. "He's been working with glue too much."

    16. "He would argue with a signpost."

    17. "He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room."

    18. "When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell."

    19. "If you see two people talking and one looks bored, he's the other one."

    20. "A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on."

    21. "A prime candidate for natural de-selection."

    22. "Donated his brain to science before he was done using it."

    23. "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming."

    24. "He's got two brains cells, one is lost and the other is out looking for it."

    25. "If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week."

    26. "If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change."

    27. "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean."

    28. "It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm."

    29. "One neuron short of a synapse."

    30. "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled."

    31. "Takes him 2 hours to watch 60-minutes."

    32. "The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead."

  16. Hi all,

    Is anyone familiar with Pikes Peak CC Paramedic program? I have talked to the program Dir, but I'm not sure what's to keep her from telling me anything she wants....And not living in the area, I'm not sure how to investigate it further....It is on both of Dust's accredited schools lists....but it's expensive, and I would have to move to attend, to get the degree....

    I'm not sure how to decide if it's worth that kind of commitment? There is a non-accredited AMR school about 20 miles up the road from me now, that is much less expensive, and obviously wouldn't require a move, but I don't want my education to be wasted.

    I sure could use your advice....

    Thanks for your help!

    Paramedic Emphasis

    This program provides the Emergency Medical Technician at the Paramedic level with the opportunity to complete the educational requirements for the AAS Degree in Emergency Medical Services. Options are designed for the EMT-Paramedic level to allow students an opportunity to pursue a career compatible with their interest.

    General Education Requirements

    BIO 201

    Human Anatomy and Physiology I


    BIO 202

    Human Anatomy and Physiology II


    CIS 118

    Introduction to PC Applications


    ENG 121

    English Composition I


    PSY 101

    General Psychology I



    Other course requirements

    EMS 225

    Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice


    EMS 226

    Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice Lab


    EMS 227

    Paramedic Special Considerations


    EMS 228

    Paramedic Special Considerations Lab


    EMS 229

    Paramedic Pharmacology


    EMS 230

    Paramedic Pharmacology Lab


    EMS 231

    Paramedic Cardiology


    EMS 232

    Paramedic Cardiology Lab


    EMS 233

    Paramedic Medical Emergencies


    EMS 234

    Paramedic Medical Emergencies Lab


    EMS 235

    Paramedic Trauma Emergencies


    EMS 236

    Paramedic Trauma Emergencies Lab


    EMS 237

    Paramedic Internship Preparation


    EMS 280

    Paramedic Internship I


    EMS 281

    Paramedic Internship II



    Total Credit Hours


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