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Everything posted by fairfax

  1. Another way you can get some pretty good experience is to volunteer for testings as a patient. Our instructors asked us if we are interested in doing it and a few of us jumped right up. We did an EMT-B refresher at the Fire Academy two weeks ago and just today an NREMT-I. I learned a lot from both but being a Basic student the refresher was exactly what I needed. I had a chance to do both medical and trauma scenarios and learned a lot about patient assessment. Today's NREMT-I was a little confusing for me when they started talking about IV's and things like that but I still picked up a lot of things that will help me through my basic course. And all you have to do is just sit there and act as if you were hurting. Or not even that if you are the unconscious patient. Well, it's just an idea
  2. There's a book on Amazon written by a deaf EMT called Silent Alarm: On the Edge With a Deaf EMT http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/156368044...ce&n=283155 I haven't read it but it should be interesting...
  3. Whoa I thought I was the only one close to 30 who's just starting her EMT-B training Good to know I'm not alone. This forum is awesome I started reading it a few days ago just to see what I'm getting myself into but I'm more inspired than ever to sign up for the class. I'm starting from scratch, I don't have any friends or family in the field and never even thought about doing it until I met a couple of cops and firefighters, started listening to their stories, reading the forum and Devin's books and watching Discovery Health all the time. It seems like no matter how underpayed they are or how dangerous or nasty their jobs can be they are the ones that truly enjoy going to work or volunteer every day. I don't think I'm a cop or firefighter material but I'm confident that I'd do a good job on the ambulance. We'll see, I think it's worth a try, even if I'm the oldest one in the class
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