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Everything posted by manicmedic

  1. I have to at least post a short reply to this topic. I am trained as a peer debriefer for CISD, and the first thing I see that throws a wrentch into things is all this talk of forcing people to go to CISD. I don't know how they are run in the US but here in Canada where I work NOBODY should be forced to go to a debrief is the first thing we are taught. I don't have studies to back up my belief it works, but I have seen it. I have had peers from both fire and ems come up to me after an event(anywhere from a week to a year after) and tell me what they are experincing, often symptoms of PTSD. We do some CISM talks and they often say it gave them the first night sleep in a long time. I also want to say that I am not someone with a $$ interest in this, I don't get paid to do it and often have to travell to other bases to sit in as a peer and that costs me $$ for travell. No CISM is not for everyone, but don't write it off as it does help some greatly. It's trying to offer the best for the most. Does your service run evidence based protocols? If not wheres your back up for them, your just trying to offer the best, same as CISM should be offered but not forced
  2. STUPID STUPID STUPID, I just can't belive that, and in public with kids watching. And there is a difference between professional and non professional services and it has nothing to do with paid or voll. as a fire service inst who teaches paid and voll. 9 times out of 10 I'd rather go in with the voll, they seem to take trg more serious, at least where I am and they don't tend to think they are invincible. Cheers
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