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Posts posted by itku2er

  1. I agree with two or three of your droll (?) details.

    A) A womans heart certainly beats faster when I am around.

    B) A Woman blinks more. Again this is true. The little temptresses do tend to flutter their alluring eyes at me teasingly in a luring coquettish manner. The little minx do try to lead me on.

    C) Modesty and common decency forbids me from making a comment on the size of my manhood. However, I have never had any complaints in the trouser department if you know what I mean, eh ?

    Sadly not all men can claim to have such a profound effect on the biology and workings of the female body as I.

    So you were a pimp eh? I am so glad you think that women are all about you but that leads me to this statement my grandmother always said..."If one has to toot their own horn then its not worth tooting!!" I am pretty sure it applies here.

  2. The Human Body! Very informative!


    It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.

    ?One human hair can support 3kg (6.6 lb).?

    ?The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb.?

    ?Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.?

    ?A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.?

    ?There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.?

    ?Women blink twice as often as men.?

    ?The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain.?

    ?Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.?

    ?If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.?

    Women reading this will be finished now.

    Men are still busy checking their thumbs.


  3. Sorry, I shouldve explained better. I didn't mean to sound like I was trashing the other shows. I was merely trying to point out the type of view they use. It's more entertainment based. Granted, there are nuggets of real life in there, but my goal is to view us from the more human side. Lack of family time, strained relationships, missing all those things our children do in school, sports, etc. The long hours without sleep, meals, or even a shower. Adding more shifts just to make ends meet. That's my approach to it. I guess you would view it as us not burning the candle at both ends, but rather dunking it in diesel and setting the whole candle on fire.

    Again, apologies for the misrepresentation.

    Well I am OLD and I do see things through OLD eyes!!! no apology needed dude or dudette!

  4. Does anyone work for a native american agency?, and if so what is the pay and benifits like?

    There used to be a guy here from ND I will check and see if i have still have his number and let him contact you. He can answer the questions you may have from a first hand expirence.

  5. I think you are on the right track with the personal side approach, if it will show the true side of EMS and what EMS workers go through on a daily basis. But I agree Fire don't trash other shows that are less than accurate. Maybe you could also add some of the family side that is left out because the job takes us away from them alot. Good luck and Keep us updated on how things are going. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

  6. OH-3.jpg


    I could Go on and on and on but I will stop here HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIFF RAFF!!!!!!!!!

    Oh what is a birthday without some bikini clad babes JUST FOR YOU RIFF RAFF....Tell Mrs Ruff they will arrive around 9pm! :devilish::devilish:


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