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Posts posted by itku2er

  1. Like the song or not, ya gotta agree, it REALLY is hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your ass out all day long!!!!

    That really can go both ways..hehehehe

    I love the song, I like Rodney Carrington too! Huge fan of him. Esp. the "Show them to me song" bwhahahaha

    I like his song momma is showing her boobs...classic and funny as heck!

  2. Well, I finally went from on call to part time. I am happy with that and if things keep going as is next year at this time I will be working full time.

    Yes, I still do on call but now I have a steady pay check.

    And Happy new year's to all

    Aww congrats son... Happy New Year to you and your family also! So after next year I can pick out one of those posh nursing homes right you will be able to afford it! :innocent:

  3. I haven't seen that one. I guess it lets everyone know how poor EMS people are.. Now if we can install tip jars in the ambulances we'll be set!

    Hey Tex Mex glad you are back! Shoot around here we never get any good comercials like that... Maybe the tip jar would be a workable ideal! :devilish:

  4. I recently attended an EMS conference, and one of the discussion groups was on how to deal with employees, and their electronic 'baggage.' One system who was presenting stated that they make their employees sign waivers regarding their use of the internet. Personally, when they said that I went into defense mode, as that seems to be creeping into my personal rights; however, I do admit what I see people putting on their facebook is a bit crazy.

    Not sure what the right answer is here. Personally, I do have a facebook page - and I use it to sign in here - but I often do wonder at what expense that comes at? In a way I wonder if I need a publicist to ensure that my page reflects me!

    I have mixed feelings about my employer telling me I couldnt have a social page on the net. But I do agree that some things people put on their accounts is a bit much and more at times. I have deactivated my facebook account I wasnt on it enough to justify having it. I never really got into the facebook thing that much anyway. But it all comes down to one simple thing the things you post today can bite you in the ass tomorrow.

  5. see i would love a watch like this if it wasnt 1500

    Well start saving your pennies NOW maybe by the time you get to the burn out point due to low pay of the EMS worker you might have saved up half it.. :whistle:

    I agree nice watch but way to pricey. Your check list looks good so far mario, The bands as you can tell we dont agree on so looks like you are on your own on that one!

    But If you get a good leather band you can wipe them down with alcholol preps or peroxide. But good luck on your hunt for the perfect watch.

  6. When I went for my practical exam last week, I was given the scenario that my patient was unconscious and breathing x 28 min, shallow, and labored. I told the assistant to give positive pressure ventilations w/ a BVM on O2. I passed, so I know I didn't kill the guy, but I'd love to know if this was an appropriate intervention or if I should have done anything different. I was hoping a seasoned EMT might give me some insight. <3

    Yes you did the right thing, based on his S/S. Good Luck on your EMS career and hope you go further with your education. Congrats on passing now the real fun begins! :D

  7. Taking pictures of an accident scene is wrong on so many levels. "Hey Roy, can you turn the patient's head a little more to the left while you are holding C-Spine there, I cant get his other eyeball in the shot" ! If you feel the need to keep trophies, you need to get out of the business.

    Have you spying on me? I only did that once and it wasnt Roy holding the head it was Chet! LMAO

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