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Posts posted by Vorenus

  1. and you get to be a "hero" as well, trouble is people that are in the know will hate you........


    Joke obviously, I don`t like big fires and colling up hoses makes me sick - still: I don`t despise people who decide to do an easy ride with lots of money, as long as they do it for the obvious reasons and don`t lie about it. What`s getting me pissed is, if they veil it under an attempt for heroism.

    Nothing wrong to take the opportunity to get good money while laying back.

    Me, I`m a self-hating masochist, so fringe from the easy route. ;)

  2. Ketamine is a wonderful anaesthetic drug, it has excellent cardiovascular stability and can be used in low dosages for analgesia as well as in large doses for anaesthesia

    It is a bit weird in that the patient is unconscious but their eyes will probably still be open and they may salivate a bit

    You`ll find a nystagmus, too.

    We`ve used Ketamine, Esketamine, Ketamine and then Esketamine again (medical director is a bit undecided obviously :turned: ).

    Good stuff.

    Be sure to keep within the boundaries of the purpose you want to acchieve (analgesic vs. anaesthetic) and remember using a benzo to keep away the funny dreams. ;)

  3. of course mate, i do keep abreast of various things happening around the place

    i don't like the fire service because they spend a lot of time doing nothing and get lots of money for it ...

    Yeh know if there are any vacancies? That sure sounds like the job I always wanted when I was a kid. ;)

  4. "But theirs a philosophy I created...".

    Would make sense if he is speaking about the philosophy of a group of people, which was created by him and was adopted by them. An "is " would still lack, but you could write that off for poetric freedom.

    Of course, the context isn`t pointing into that direction.

    Sorry for that totally useless journey into language smart-assdom (I know that word doesn`t exist ;) ). ;)

  5. It's come to my attention that we on the City are often very inconsistent as to what biases we will accept, and what kinds of "stereotyping" we take for granted.

    For example... the shit storm of a thread prompted by a single joke about hysterical black woman syndrome. Wow! Just looked at that this morning... and I gotta say... holy Jesus (hey, zeus!) what a mess. On the one hand, you have the ethical provider, with a no-tolerance policy... (but nobody likes someone who likes to point out the rules...) On the other, you have folks saying "well, we've seen it... and no, we don't treat patients differently..."

    But I challenge you.... how can a stereotype NOT influence how you view someone? The second you know they are (let's keep the original group here) a black woman, you're going to have that little joke pop up in your head... and consciously or unconsciously, the way you interact will be influenced. Doubly so if you happen to be a different race than said black woman. We could get into comparative racial psychology, if anyone wishes... that's a tangled web all unto itself, my friends.

    But wait! There are those who purport that just knowing someone is in a certain group won't change how they interact with that person... and then turn around and DO THE VERY THING THEY SAY THEY WOULDN'T. Want to know what group I'm referring to?

    Depends all on your personal view and experiences.

    A stereotype can sometimes be seen as "common knowledge" or even as facts by people who have had no other experiences with the topic/thing/persons the stereotype refers to. By having had no personal contact to the topic the stereotype refers to, the content of the named is the only source of information about it and is easily taken as the truth, either unconsciously or by lack of interest to inform oneself to make a personal picture.

    If someone has experiences with topics/things/persons and adds certain characteristics to them, which he applies to all of them - that I would rather call a prejudice than a stereotype.

    To concur: Stereotype - a wide range of believe are affected by this belief. Prejudice - affects yourself.

    Of course both are mixed or have the some context quite often.

    But it`s easier to overcome the belief a stereotypical picture paints, than it is to overcome your personal prejudices.

    Anyone who tells me he has no prejudices whatsoever is either a liar or a machine with a pretty authentic AI.

    The most important thing is, not to allow your prejudices to influence your patient care.

  6. I love to cook and can clean and do laundry, I don't understand how I am still single?

    You are weird.

    Just to clarify: That`s the exclamation following your first sentence, as well as it is the answer to your question in your second sentence. ;)

  7. By "non member" Dwayne means as non-subscriber like person who gave Admin money to support his blow habit ... either white powder up the nose or down below from cheap hookers you decide :P

    Would love to pay for admins powder or female amusement, but he won`t take my visa card, so I guess he has enough of both not to be as desperate as to take other routes than pay-pal... :P

  8. Hm.

    I`ve had a number of patients, I propably "saved" the life of a significantly smaller number of them, none of that made me a hero though.

    I`ve put some thought into this hero/bravery thing before (though more in a general context than in an EMS one), dunno, it`s really hard to define.

    I guess a heroic act is something that comes along with a cost or risk for oneself (life, all sorts of personally valued things) in oder to acchieve or accomplish that "heroic" act.

    Also, the person performing that act of bravery or heroicism shouldn`t be under any obligation of whatsoever to do so.

    For example that would exclude certain jobs, positions, etc that need you to do tasks as a part of the job. But if you have no other way to save yourself but to do that act, it ain`t real bravery either, it`s more about the natural life-saving instinct/reflex.

    So it`s all about something you don`t need to do, that comes with a (possible) prize/risk, and that you still willinlgy do.

  9. I like reading, drinking coffee in nice cafes, travelling -> best is when those are combined.

    I`m also into open water swimming (and in pools over the winter, but that doesn`t give me much). I want to do Alcatraz - San Francisco one day, but right now I lack the money to go over there and most importantly, I`ll have to train more often to acchieve that.

  10. Im mike (hence the name),based with an ambulance service in the uk.thought it was about tine i joined as ive been watching here a while.

    Im trained as an EMT-A but only registered with the NAEMT.im looking at coming over to the USA sometime,for maybe a month to work.any advice,hints etc please let me know

    Cheers mike

    Welcome to the forum.

    Just some questions:

    Does that mean you`re an ECA?

    I don`t really grasp the NAEMT point, did you confer your qualification to the US?

  11. you guys talk like its so easy to get into FDNY. Im just volunteering until i can get into FDNY. I think vollies are a great way to get exp. & learn the ropes & hopefully I'll get hired before everyone else that was too lazy to volunteer & can't even fill out a PCR or 800 a bus

    You don`t seem to grasp the point of the criticism here - it`s not about vollies as a whole, it`s about scanning the official channels and riding the streets in an attempt to just sit on a truck when it`s not really needed, for a full-time service is available and already dispatched.

    EMS is no playground, where everyone who wants a ride on a carussel is free to just skip in when he`s jolly to do so.

  12. Could Quenten Tarantino have attempted to recreate the German movie within "Inglourious Basterds"?

    No, the plots and the genres are totally different.

    "Downfall" focuses on the last days of the Third Reich, especially depicting Hitler`s last days when hiding in his bunker in Berlin.

    On the other hand, Inglorious Bastards focuses on some kind of fictive Special Forces troops.

    While Downfall is a rather quiet drama, Inglorious Basterds is partly pretty action-based and mixes various genres as well as it doesn`t makes an effort to deal seriously with the whole topic (at least that was my reception).

    EDIT: A bit off-topic:

    The "recreation" of foreign movies through Hollywood is getting more and more annoying in the last years. Various "new" movies nowadays are more less 100% copied from foreign films when it comes to the plot (mostly from Asian Countries, some French, etc.).

  13. Wait a minute, here. I believe the original movie that had the new English captions placed on it, as has already been done quite a few times already, is "Inglourious Basterds", with Brad Pitt playing a US Army Captain who is also a "Native American" (Indian), leading a squad of Jewish soldiers specializing in killing German soldiers, and scalping them.

    No, it`s a german movie dating some years back, called "Der Untergang" (dunno what the english caption is, they seem to translate rather freely when it comes to movie titles).

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