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William A. Ritchey

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. First impression is OH CRAP!! Pads would be a good idea and I agree with others on that. I would call it Wide Complex Tachcardia boarding on V Tach. With the HR AT 235 sweating and dipharitic you have here an UNSTABLE patient. I would t go straight to synchronized electrical cardioverson. 150 mg of amiodarone if the patient is stable. Adenocard would be a bad bad deal as to prove the diagnostic is SVT. If you stop he heart with Adenocard it will most likely kill this patient. Would want a MD opinion (if time permitted) but would be prepared for this guy to crash w/o notice. If he is not in Vtach now he soon will be. Haul butt to the hospital and treat the patient!! If stable it would be supportive care. I do not agree with others here that this patient is in anyway stable.
  2. Never Forgive, NEVER forget, and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!! In the long run you will win every time!! I do..

  3. Never Forgive, NEVER forget, and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!! In the long run you will win every time!! I do..

  4. Never Forgive, NEVER forget, and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!! In the long run you will win every time!! I do..

  5. AS A PARAMEDIC I LOVE it when I already have someone on scene who has done an intial assesment and can give me a run down on my patients. I am very greatful and whatever agency responded to this MVC and basically gave you the finger needs to be asked whey they treated you this way. You did a great job and THANK you for doing it in case they did not say it. I am sure they did not. WTG!!
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