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Posts posted by Jeepluv77

  1. Dr. Oz did a segment on Oprah about this. (Yeah, I check out Oprah when Dr. Oz is on.) He was saying they've already created vessels for bypass and varicose repairs, hearts, and at least one other. This is so cool. I wonder how long it will be before this technology can actually be used to save lives.

  2. Okay, so I am more of a "ritual" smoker than nicotine. When I quit before(3 friggin times) I never got any s/s except a productive cough for a few weeks that the dr said was my lungs trying to clear out. I've been having serious sob for about two weeks now and some occasional chest pains(I'm not sure if these are lung or muscle related, but I'm pretty sure they aren't cardiac). So, basically, I'm at a point were I know I have to quit and soon. Problem is, I can't. Since I don't smoke around my children that's my opportunity to get some me time. It's also what keeps me call in traffic if they aren't there. And if I have to smoke after I eat or I feel like my food doesn't settle right. I don't have health insurance so anything requiring a doctor/pharmacy is pretty much out. I've actually looked into hypnosis, but don't want to find out it's a bunch of hocus pocus and be out a lot money that I'll have to sell off my aquariums to get. Then I'd be left without my main hobby too. Any suggestions? Are there any programs that will help with the cost of Chantix? Since it looks promising I'll sell the tanks to cover the cost of the dr visit if I can find a way to cover the medication, too.

    Congrats to those who have quit and good luck to those that are still trying.

  3. I would have done the same thing. And besides, it was not a pet. He was a fellow Police Officer. Or at least that's what I would have argured. I know it had to be one of the hardest situations any of those there would ever have to face in their careers.

    If MS was not available, or any other pain meds, I wonder if moving him with a scoop stretcher would have been feasible.

    That's a good point, firedoc5. How many times did this dog put his life on the line to help others? How many times did he fight down the fear of gunshots, shouting, etc to defend his human partner and/or the citizens of his city? And people want to raise issues over a shot of morphine for him? I'm just glad he isn't suffering anymore and my heart goes out to the officer.

  4. I know it may seem inane when people threaten suicide or attempt suicide, and yes it's a cry for attention, but it's also a cry for help. Most of the time these people have already tried to talk to people about what's bothering them, and in this "me" society no one has taken the time to listen. They need to be directed to a professional counselor and it would be best if those closest to them, be it friends or family, would attend at least one session with them. A lot of times they simply cannot articulate the extent of their pain(and yes, even problems you see as minor can be very significant to someone else) and that's where a professional can help. Also, sometimes they are just very selfish and needy and want all eyes on them all the time. Again, a professional can help. They will see this if it is the case and can help the patient come to realize it and to work on it. Either way even these attempts, cries for help, need to be taken seriously. Otherwise, a lot of them can/will turn into an actual suicide one day. And some of them aren't cries for help, but actual serious attempts that were accidentally walked in on. If a parent/spouse/sibling/friend/etc hadn't come in unexpectedly, you would be calling a coroner for more of them than you might think.

  5. Did you take a look at her blog? She describes a patient's birth using very colorful language. I am not sure the patient would pass this off as Army medic talk. In addition, the student talks about filming the birth? I am unsure if permission was granted? The blogger also talks about how worthless clinicals are, and how she is posting these blogs during her nursing classes.

    I suspect we have potential HIPPA issues and academic issues. If I found out you were posting myspace blogs in one of my classes, I would want to send your butt packing.

    Take care,


    Great point. If this is how seriously she takes her education I'd hate to see her on the job. As far as the clinicals go, I've had some really really boring ones as far as no "exciting" cases, but they haven't been "worthless". Far from it. I just sought out techs and picked their brains about anything and everything having to do with EMS. So, yeah, I may not have gotten the patient experience I wanted but I still took a lot of great info home with me. I really feel that a clinical is going to be what you make it.

  6. I'd have to see the posts in question to form an opinion one way or the other. We are all human and not everyone talks flowers and roses all the time. However, if she said anything that could show a serious prejudice against a particular race/religion/etc it could raise the question of her ability to put that aside for the sake of her patients, not just now but long-term. Far more concerning however is the possibility of a breach of patient confidentiality. The way it was described to me, the doesn't necessarily mean disclosing names but rather anything that could be used to identify a patient. I'll be interested to see what happens with this.

  7. Transport any who ate the salad with the mushrooms, as the onset can be delayed. Prehospital care is supportive. O2, iv fluids, airway control, etc. The hospitals have a few options but according to the sources I found the most effective(silibinin-milk thistle extract) is not available in the United States. Our options apparently are limited to activated charcoal, N-acetylcystine or cimetidine to try to hinder uptake of the toxin. But I'm guessing at this point it might be too late for these measures to be effective too.

  8. Okay, so I'm going to go out on a limb here. First off, how many victims are adults? Considering that all the reds are children, they are vegetarians, and they are a "wood loving family" I'm wondering if the kids went out into the woods to play and found some wild mushrooms. These can be toxic and if I remember correctly spring is the season for them because of the moist, mild weather. I would guess that the only adults that would be sick would the ones that the children presented their "gifts" to and didn't know not to eat them. Just an idea.

  9. I also think they should be commended! It would be a terrible thing if these medics were to be disiplined. If it's the cost of the medication and supplies that's an issue, I'm sure Blake or any number of other people would be more than willing to step in and defray the costs. We do have a vet here with a pet ambulance service. Has anyone else heard of this type of service before? It would be great if it were more widespread.

  10. I'd ask her if she even wants him there or not. Either way, I'd notify hospital staff of the marital situation and ask them to monitor interactions. The last thing this woman needs right now is him marching in there to tell her how dumb she is, that he's glad, he's still leaving, etc. If he can't be totally supportive of her recovery, at least for now, then he needs to go somewhere else. I'm not saying that he is going to say any of those things, he very well could go in and be the most loving husband ever, but you never know. We don't know why he's leaving her. Given that he took her to Mexico 3 months ago and now he wants a divorce, something changed fairly recently enough that he no longer wants to try.

  11. Wish granted.....but now you are stuck in a time where the gas prices are $10 per gallon

    I wish that I was completly healthy and able to enlist in the U.S. Army (oorah{sp})

    Wish granted, you are now a janitor in the u.s. army and are deployed to mozambique to clean toilets for the next three years, never seeing a second of action.

    I wish I had a personal chef here 24/7.

  12. Poptart wish granted, but, they are all spinach/liver filled with cottage cheese frosting.

    I wish chocolate were a love potent.

    Wish granted. Your 90 neighbor ate your love potion chocolate and you are now terrified to walk out of your house.

    I wish i didn't have to drive across the city today and could teleport to where i need to go.

  13. Wish granted you now have Morphine but the cops arrest you because Morphine is now a illegal drug.

    I wish there was an easy way to make money without working for it.

    Wish granted, you found a way to make money without working for it. But now you are going to jail for a very long time as the governement still calls it theft.

    I wish I hadn't run out of poptarts.

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