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Everything posted by Ensihoitaja

  1. Hi Jon, I've done a fair amount of work as an EMT & Paramedic on wildland fires, but it's been a few years now. Are you going to be working as a line EMT or as a firefighter who has EMT training? When I've been part of a crew, I'd carry some extra medical supplies. The biggest thing you'll need, especially with a part time crew, is foot/blister care supplies. Nothing is better than Second Skin. Other than that, I'd carry some extra band aids, 4x4s, tylenol, and maybe a SAM splint. Oh and some saline bullets to flush eyes is nice too. You're not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by carrying a crap load of heavy medical equipment that's never going to be used. Be very familiar with the medical plan in the IAP, if anything bad happens, your role is going to be to notify and stabilize until the fire's EMS resources arrive. I hope that helps, and I'm happy to answer more questions if you have any.
  2. I do CHART style narratives. C- Chief Complaint H- History A- Assessment R- Rx (Treatment) T- Transport.
  3. This case study shows that it may not be necessary to alter your pad placement.
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