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Posts posted by Quakefire

  1. Ok so I searched through the forums and didn't find quite what I need, I'm looking for a knife/ multi tool to keep on my person for work. Ability to use as an O2 wrench, and have a seatbelt cutter are a definite plus, as well as a sheath that will fit on my duty belt ( I dont like having too much heavy crap in my cargo's) Yes there is usually a belt cutter and O2 wrench in the kit but, like I said "usually"

    What do you folks use/recommend?

    I like to have some kind of knife with a reasonable blade on my person because well, lets just say EMS has reduced my faith in apartment building locks

  2. Actually I watched a lumbar puncture, and the needle hub was plastic that he used (the one in the LP tray was metal but he doesn't like to use that larger needle) And generally my tubes see alot of cleaning, mostly just alcohol swabs, but after the juicy patients, I use Caviwipes.

    Besides it doesn't sound like they were pushing meds into the bag, but a port on the IV tubing (maybe the lock, maybe not) And depending on how long that IV has been running who knows, there could be blood in there, maybe there was blood on the outside of the tubing from a messy start, if they are reusing needles, do you think they take the time to use an alcohol swab to clean the port before injection?

  3. I used the Stryker all through school, and the company i'm doing my practicum with uses the Ferno's. Personally I like the Stryker better, and even though your technically not supposed to, to get that 300+ pound patient out of the basement, use the tracks, it makes your life alot easier than trying to carry them up 12 stairs

  4. I just saw one used for the first time during my practicum. We used it on a code who we couldn't find a vein on. It was in literally within 20 seconds, we pushed drugs through it, and even in the ER they didn't bother with a IV, just lots of fluid on a pressure infuser and drugs into the IO (proximal tib) I was amazed how well it worked.

  5. Ok, i'll add to this, being very new to the EMS community (i'm finishing my in car portion of my practicum) i'll add my thoughts. In Saskatchewan (I took the same course with the same instructors as Mobey) I am trained as a PCP, if you look at our protocols they list competencies for EMT's, as well as PCP's. The skillset for a PCP is higher than that of an EMT in Saskatchewan. Yet when I work, my badges say EMT, why should I be forced to use a term that denotes lower levels of training that what I have received?

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