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Posts posted by TDP

  1. First, who is making $8 and hour? Second, why do you have a family of 4 when you are only making 8$ and hour? Are you looking to the union to solve your problems for you? Do you think that just because you work for an employer as a union member they owe you a living?

    Both sides are being looked at, and it looks like only one side is taking responsibility.

    Edit: I'm not sticking up for Spenac. He's perfectly capable of digging his own holes. :twisted: I just happen to have a similar view.

    The average factory worker has 3 or 4 kids I would say,I really don't think most of them go in looking to make 8$ an hour,most line workers start anywhere from 20-25$ when things were up,running and stable. I look at the union like a brotherhood more than anything,so when crap hits the fan,you have your local brothers,trustees to look after you,back you up. That's for trades people,and even Paramedics. Union's don't owe their workers anything but a fighting chance. Like EMS, factory workers,trades people are a family. This whole thing all boils down to who in offices is making the biggest paycheque,no one gives a rats arse about the underdog,hence union.

  2. I can not believe that the auto workers unions made it clear that they would not accept pay cuts to help keep their jobs. How stupid is that? They make way to much money, many make $40-$50 an hour to use automated equipment to put one piece of equipment on the car. I am sorry to minimize a job but I have seen and known many auto industry people, many are my friends. They are smart so I really wonder if they will be smart enough to demand that their union concede some major pay cuts so they at least have a job. Heck $30 an hour is much better than they will find if their plant shuts down. If the auo plants shut down there will be so many unemployed there will be no job openings even at minimum wage. I would rather get something and feed my family than be jobless. Did the union contact the workers and ask? Heck if the union would have been smart they would have approached congress before pay cuts were brought up and offered to take temporary pay cuts in order to help. This would have made them look like HERO's instead of zero's.

    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/13/business...ml?ref=business Just as reference not actually discussing unions.

    Who the hell can support a family of 4 on 8$ an hour? Will YOU? I think the union has many benefits,more so than draw backs. I think you should look at both sides of the picture before you start pointing fingers.

  3. There are creeps in every profession,no matter what profession or where you go,but you'd think with health professionals they would be different,consistently dealing with the ill,the injured. I think the hiring process is to lax for Paramedics. I know in some cities,they are considering the polygraph and voice stress analysis tests for people who are wanting to work for certain services. Wether stricter hiring policies work to ensure the publics safety or not,who knows I think no matter where you go,where ever you work,you are going to find creeps. I don't think it's going to get any better either.

    my 2 cents.

  4. I know the U of A will give you some sort of credits towards your RN degree,but I'm pretty sure its something like a years worth a credits with your college cert,leaving you with 3 years left of school at the University level. But check with your local U.

  5. I just want to see how everyone out there gets into their studying knees deep in information. I feel like it doesn't really matter how much I study I still feel like I know nothing. Im still nervous going into exams. Wether your a EMS professional,Nurse or at the University level i'd like to hear how you guys study. It gets fustrating after awhile :shock:

  6. OP was abit antagonistic, but I think this is a valid question. Let me put my spin on it.

    Reasons for removal:

    1. If you have a symptomatic 50 year old male, with a normal 12-lead, you still treat the symptoms. So a negative 12 lead does not stop or start the care that was provided prior to the introduction of 12 leads.

    2. It was thought that field 12 leads would quicken the treatment in the ER. Most credible ERs have their own door to needle time parameters, that occur regardless of what a prehospital 12 lead shows, and regardless of whether or not the patient comes in by ambulance. Even in the presence of a positive EMS 12 Lead, the ER will still do their own 12 lead prior to beginning treatment. You could make the arguement that a positive EMS 12 lead may make the ER staff move a bit faster, but how many minutes are actually saved ? At the ERs I usually transport to, they must complete a 12 lead within 5-10 minutes of the patients arrival. My heads-up, may mean that the 12 lead machine is in the patient's room and not in the hall. I realize your anectdotal experience may be different.

    3. The technology is expensive, and with what i perceive to be little return, I ask if those thousands of dollars would be better spent on capnography, CPAP, salaries, or benefits ?

    4. I dont want to speak for everyone, but i dont know that i can claim a 12lead has saved the life of any of my patients, whereas, i know that CPAP has.

    My arguements for keeping the technology:

    1. It does help you identify the asymptomatic (i just feel weak or sick, or i have right arm pain) patient or the unusual symptomatic patient (26 year old with chest pain -- or female in her 30s), that you might have missed. But this is a small percentage of cardiac patients.

    2. If you live in a rural area, based on a positive 12 lead, you may decide to transport the patient to the more distant hospital that performs CABG, versus the local hospital that can only do thrombos. Then again, if you live in a rural area, you may not have the EMS resources to have your ALS ambulance out of county for 2-3 hours.

    What are your thoughts ?

    more funding for emergency medical services,more education for people in the industry, i know good idea eh?

  7. What is the survival rate of not witnessed cardiac arrest? <1? what would be the percentage per witnessed cardiac arrest ill be generous and say 3%? CPR WAS intiated post boys collapase. The question is does the AED give that life that extra life we need to survive and be healthy? Would an aed in this situtation really make a difference. discuss

  8. It's better than good. It's the best. The best EMS care in the world is provided by those countries that operate under the nursing model, where a paramedic is a critical care nurse with a master's level specialisation in EMS care. Going to medic school before nursing school is like buying a mobile home, and then trying to go back and build a foundation under it, and brick it over later. Yeah, you've got a place to live, but it is nothing to be proud of.

    Think of this in concrete terms. Build your professional career like you would build a house. Foundation first. Solid framework. Then all the sexy details come after you have a secure place to complete them. That is how you build the very best possible educational preparation for a career of excellence. And if excellence is not your goal, then I would very much discourage you from going into education and passing on your passion for mediocrity.

    And, of course, I would be remiss if I did not mention that Medic One is overrated shyte. Like Maryland EMS, they are still somehow managing to milk the glory from a decades old bubble of lies that was long ago mythbusted. Don't buy the hype.

    Good luck!

    I see what your getting at,but why the hell would you want to buy a mobile home when you can just go and buy a regular house? I mean really, when you talk about EMS vs RN aren't we talking about 2 different career paths all together? Emergency Medical Services is just that. Professionals,who provide immediate care to those who are sick in some shape,or form or tending to those who have an "emergency" where as nursing, has that "clinical" so to speak knowledge, as well as that systematic approach to things. If your going to be a Paramedic,do so. If you want to be an instructor,put in some good street time before you decide something such as this. If your going to be an RN,than be an RN. I don't see anything wrong with getting a college certificate,then a degree in health sciences,but if you know what you want to do why waste time?

    cheers Rob :|

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